You're Afraid...

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My mind was a mess. Everything was a mess. I had let darkness consume my soul, it burned away at the light I had left. It hurt, it stung.

I was angry. I screamed. I destroyed.

Her eyes. Her hair.


More anger. More betrayal. More... Fear!

Her scent. Her skin.


More agony. More torment. More... Compassion!

It was an endless storm. A vicious cycle whirling around and around in my mind. I didn't want this. I couldn't sleep. I needed her.

I felt empty, incomplete, damaged.

The little moments we got together, I treasured.

The moments apart growing longer.

This should have been a haven, a sanctuary, an asylum. But it wasn't. I came here hoping to seek the darkness and forget about the pain. It got worse though. A hole was being drilled deep into me.

I stood on the balcony filling my lungs with the ash from the volcanic planet. That pain was better than the other. Everywhere was filled with an eerie glow, light cast from the gold magma, and when it wasn't lit up like that, the artificial lights were almost too bright for my mood. I wanted darkness, I wanted to forget.

Destroying the rebels should have brought a peace to me, it was my past. A legacy I had been raised on and one I could never escape. Yet, it only brought me more pain. Uncle Luke was never there, and I looked like a fool in my hubris. Ha! It was ironic. Perhaps I had more of my uncle's genes than I thought possible.

I closed my eyes and thought of her in that gown. It was ivy green and long complimenting her stature and eyes. Her hazel eyes. She had a gold tiara band around her forehead. It had to have been my mother's doing. Only my mother could make a gem out of a gem. It had been days ago now and I yearned to see her again. To end my torment.

As if hearing my prayers, the air grew thicker and everything grew longer in perspective. She was there when I turned around. But this time dressed in her usual scrubs. It seemed to take her a moment to realise I was there, "Ben." Her voice was tight, restricted.


"Why have you done this to yourself?" She asked. "Why do remain there? Come home."

"I have no home." I told her.

"Then I will come to you."



"No." I wanted so very much for her to come to me. But this planet was horrible, swarmed in darkness. A darkness that I didn't want polluting her light.

She nodded stepping closer. "Then where?" She couldn't be serious, this was a trick.

"Are you afraid of me, Ben? Or are you afraid of what we feel for each other?" She asked when I didn't answer her.

Her hand moved to my cheek - I flinched unsure of what to do. It was wrong, we should have been acting like cutthroats, not like whatever this was.

"We... we can't." I stammered. Her eyes grew furious. They were stormy and angry filling with something dark at my rejection. Her hand slipped down from my face and she took a step back. "Rey." I said. She shook her head and turned, walking away.

The cycle started again.

This is a Dream - Reylo ShortWhere stories live. Discover now