Christmas Angel X Shiki

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Y/N= Your name
F/F= Favorite Food
C/M= Christmas Movie

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not evening a mouse. That was before Y/N appeared from the heavens, plummeting out of the sky. Fortunately, she landed in a pile of snow. The poor girl shivered, searching desperately for some sort of sign of heat.

Y/N gazed upon a distant cottage. She tentatively approached the house. Her heart thumped rapidly as she crept onto the porch. She pushed off the uneasiness. Whoever's in there will understand and help me out, she convinced herself. Y/N managed to knock with her numb knuckles.

"What do you want?" A voice asked from behind her. Y/N shivered from the cold and the unexpected voice. She spun around, a young purple haired man with grocery bags in both arms stood in the snow. Assuming it was the owner of the house, Y/N responded. "I apologize to be intruding, but you see, I happen to be lost."

The man seemed to inspect her from head to toe, "aren't you a little old to be lost?" Y/N puffed her cheek up at the offensive question. "It doesn't matter my age, I'm still lost. Could you help me? It's freezing and I have no place to go."

"Why would I?" Y/N was now furious by his impolite attitude. "Listen, I'm not in the mood for games. If you're just going to be a waste of my time, I'm leaving!" The last thing she expected was a hysterical laugh to escape his lips. She scrunched her face in confusion.

"You make the weirdest facial expression when your angry," he explained. Y/N blushed crimson with embarrassment. "Could you not insult me,"  she paused when her stomach growled. The woman tried to recall the last time she ate.

"Come on in, I just bought some ingredients to make F/F," the stranger headed towards the door and twisted the doorknob. To Y/N's astonishment, the door opened, "you mean to tell me you left your house unattended without locking it?" The man only shrugged before stepping into the house.

Y/N entered the house, sighing at the warmth against her skin, although her clothes were uncomfortably damp from the melted snow. "I'll go get you something warmer to wear, stay here," he told her. The man started to walk away when Y/N quickly grabbed onto his hand. He came to an abrupt stop,  perplexed by her sudden action. "Yes?" He asked, staring straight ahead.

"Thank you for everything, I really appreciate it. Could I have your name, please?" There was an awkward silence as if he debated on telling her. "It's Shiki, yours?" She realized she was still holding his hand. "Ah, sorry about that!" She blurted out, her entire body began to burn up like match ignited. "It's Y/N," she squeaked.

Y/N patiently waited in the kitchen for him to return. She passed the time by whispering his name under her breathe. She adored how exotic it sounded. He arrived with a black hoodie in his hands, "here, it might be a little big, but it's better than nothing." Shiki gave directions to guest room and stayed in the kitchen to prepare supper.

Y/N reached the last door in the hallway, she opened it and quickly closed it behind her. She sighed, feeling a heavy weight on her back. An antique mirror from across the room, showed her reflection. White wings sprouted from behind her. The truth was, Y/N was in an angel, sent from the heavens to bring the gift of Christmas spirit. Once she fulfills her duty, Y/N will return back to where she rightfully belongs.

She struggled to revert back into her human form. Once she finally did, Y/N slid off her wet attire and into the oversized hoodie. Her fingers traced over the embroidered design on the hoodie. A white and black angelic feather overlapped each other. "Y/N, are you okay in there?" A familiar voice came from outside the door. It's strange, she thought, how I could never hear his footsteps. It seemed he just appeared from thin air whenever and wherever he pleased.

Y/N opened the door, Shiki stood in the hallway. He stared at the beautiful woman with tender eyes. "I guess you were right, this is a little big. What do you think?" She smiled, staring down at the hoodie that ended just above her knees. For a slight moment, Y/N was certain his face was flushed. Shiki turned away, "I think we should eat dinner before it gets cold."

After they both filled their stomachs with scrumptious food, they watched C/M. They mostly talked during the movie, discovering new things about each other. Y/N rested her chin against her knees, "you live alone?" There was a slight pain in her chest when he said yes. Being a handsome, young man Y/N expected him to already have a girlfriend, but this wasn't the case. If I leave, Shiki will be alone again, the aching in her heart grew painfully stronger by the second.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" The angel snapped out of her dreadful thoughts. Her lips quivered as she smiled, "why wouldn't I be?" Shiki frowned before sweeping his index finger under her eyes. Salty teardrops clung to his skin, she widened her eyes at the sight. Y/N quickly rubbed at her eyes, cleaning the last of the tears. "Please, tell me what's wrong," he begged.

She shook her head, "you wouldn't understand." Y/N could sense a dark aura radiating from him, "tell me." His monotonous tone was enough to make the angel frightened. Instead of trying to escape, Y/N threw her arms around him. "Oh Shiki, if only I could tell you," she told him through tears. Her sobbing pained him in an unpleasant way, he tried desperately to comfort the girl. "Y/N, you can tell me anything." She nodded before unwrapping her arms from his chest.

Y/N explained how she was an angel, she was confused by his shocked reaction. Most morals would believe she was crazy, but Shiki seemed to understand. "Since I've bought you Christmas spirit, once the clock strikes midnight I'll be forever gone from this world."

It was almost midnight and Shiki said his farewells to the angel. Y/N's face saddened when it was one minute before her departure. They stepped outside, finding a portal forming in the darkened sky. Shiki stared in awe at her angel wings that magically appeared on her back. "I guess this is goodbye then," she whispered before kissing his cheek, "you'll forever be in my heart." With that, the angel flew into the night sky towards the portal.

She realized she was motionless in the sky, Shiki had grabbed onto her hand.
Y/N widened her eyes, "Shiki, you're a fallen angel."

He pulled her into his arms, "all I want for Christmas is you. Y/N, I love you." They both stared up at the disappearing portal. "It's closing, it's a Christmas miracle! Shiki, do you know what this means?" He landed on the ground with his angel in his arms. The fallen angel smirked before walking towards the house, "it means you're all mine."

I'll let your mind decide what happens next. •w• Before you comment, I know it sucked. I completely changed his personality because he's difficult to work with when your trying to write a fluff, that doesn't involve slaughtering and being tortured. I don't know comment what you think.

P.S. I apologize if you're a boy who's reading this. Please don't be offended that I chose the pronoun "she/her" over "he/his."

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