Alternet ending

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"listen I will give to you straight. Miss lucy she..... Somehow, the bullet missed her heart.... Right now she is under heavy surgery. We can only hope she survives with how much blood she lost"
After that the doctor went back in. A nurse told us too wait.
Someone came running in. It was that person... Jason he was Lucy s android wasn't he.. With the dev- other android and child.
Someone else was with them. He was tall, another android. When analysing I saw that their name was luther.
"Where is she?? Is she okay? Will she live?!"
Jason paniced.
"Calm down kid" hank told them.
"But lucy. Is. Is she-"
"She is getting surgery as we speak. The nurse told us to wait"
The little girl was crying while holding onta the female android. Her name is Kara.
After waiting for some hours. The door opened.
A nurse held a face of relief.
"Your lucy s friends right?"
We nodded.
Jason's pov
She smiled at us sadly.
"She is alive.... But we don't know if she will make it through the night. I'm sorry we have everything we could"
It was silent.
"Can we see her?"
A small voice asked. Alice.
"Of cause you can"
The nurse led us

When we went in there was a dim light. On the bed there was some ones chest moving up and down very faintly.
I look down at alice, she was nervous. I guess no one has ever seen her like this before. She is always so strong, protective and kind to be in this condition.
After about 2 hours of watching over she she finaly woke up!
Her eyes flickered open and close a few times ,adjusting, before they stayed open.
Lucy's pov
Why is it so blurry, I can't tell who these spots are. Why are they moving?
After blinking some times I could finaly see shapes of people.
Who is that?
They sound so young?
I recognise the voice but..... Who are they...
Wait.... Is that...
Is she okay I must protect her.
"Lucy are you feeling okay?"
That voice ..... Jason.
After some time i could now see everyone.
Kara, luther, hank, conner, markus, Jason and alice.
There all here no one is hurt, they are safe. I must protect them.
After all.... I am ..
However, I like the name lucy more.

10 years later

Everyone has changed so much now we are all busy but we are all friends still.
Marcus is now married to a female called n94th with 2 children. Markus is a leader with a government on how they can make the world a better place for everyone.
Conner and hank are rank one detectives, no one has got away from them. Sumo may be old but the doggo is still alive an kickin.
Kara is working as a bar tender in a restraint. She is really good with children as well. I think she may work in a school somewhere near the future.
Luther, well I we know what Luther is doin. He works as a builder. He makes it look so easy but I admit some people find it as hard work.
Alice and Jason well..

Before I could write any more a hand was placed on my shoulder.
"Lucy can we go to the fair?"
When I looked behind me Jason and alice gave me eyes beggin me ta go.
".... Okay lets go. Go get ready and I will finish this"
They both jumped up and ran ta get ready.
"Now where was I.
Oh yes
Jason was how do I say this. His been my boyfriend for about 5 years now and alice she is like our daughter. We a always visit everyone at times ta see how they are. We Even arrange meetings with em.
If I would say I could be any happier it would be a lie.
I placed my pen down a I locked me diary.
Before I put it away in me hidden area under me bed I remembered everything that happened those years ago. I must of used half the pages in it ta write all that. I did write everything that happened after all.
I guess this is the end of my story. I don't know what ta say. I guess as its the end I will say good bye as I have finished. But maybe their will be a hello again if I make more stories with Lucy in it so remember its never good bye its ill see ya later.

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