Good kami that body

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"You know, you could be celebrating getting that cute Deku booty if you just let him read the message," Mina says.

"No!" Kirishima clenches his fists. "It's such a dreadful message. Midoriya deserves an in-person admission, at least."

"Kiri, you really think he's gonna care? He's been in love with Kacchan forever."

Katsuki almost corrects Mina on her improper use of Kacchan — trademarked by Izuku Midoriya — but he's too distressed about the text, and distressed is not a feeling he recognizes or enjoys. "You don't know that."

"Dude. His eyes sparkle like a shoujo heroine when you breathe!"

"Shut up!"

Sero rolls his eyes. Anyone else would be thrilled to know that their crush reciprocated their feelings, but not Katsuki Bakugou, apparently. "Whatever you say, man. Let's hear this plan, then."

"Simple. We take his phone and delete the message."

"Perfect!" Kirishima.

"How?" Kaminari.

"Just tell him the truth," Mina and Sero.

"Well I guess only two of you care about the well-being of your squad leader."

"Wow," Mina says. "You sure can be dramatic."

"Only when it benefits me. Now. Here's what we're gonna do."

Izuku tries his best to not look so crestfallen over the desk in front of him being empty. It wouldn't be had Katsuki walked to class with him. Granted, Katsuki can make his own decisions and has his own stuff to worry about, but them walking to school has become a nice, quiet routine — assuming Izuku isn't waxing philosophically about class and heroism. For him to suddenly say no is-

"Yo! Midoriya!"

Before Izuku can turn to greet Kirishima his classmate already has an arm around his shoulders, damn near pulling him out of his seat. "H-hey Kirishima! You seem excited today!"

"Of course! It's a beautiful day out, yeah? It's gonna be wonderful!"

"Um... all right..." Izuku knows that Kirishima is usually chipper but this feels excessive. Forced even. "Oh, where's Kacchan?"

"Eh, you know Bakugou, he does whatever he wants, you know? It's so manly!"


Is Kacchan avoiding him? Did he do something wrong? Maybe-


Izuku blinks and tries to turn toward his backpack, the bright, yellow bag resting on the floor. He swears that he can hear someone rummaging inside-

"So! What did you all talk about on the way to class today? I'm so used to you and Bakugou walking, it had to be fun to catch up with Iida and Uraraka, right?"

"Ah... yeah, I guess. We just talked about class... what are you doing?"

Kirishima blinks. "Hm?"

"You were waving your hands around."

"Oh. Sorry. Hands fell asleep, feels kinda weird with my quirk."

That gets Izuku going. "Really? What's it feel like? I guess normal occurrences like that must be awkward when your skin can harden. Is it like a tingling? That's what it feels like for me, so is it more intense for you? Like a buzzing? A chainsaw against a tree?"

"Uh... y-yeah! Something like that!"

"Wow. I should write that down-"


The last thing Izuku expects to see is Kaminari holding onto his phone, which had been in his bag a moment ago. "Kaminari?"

"Hey! Yeah! Hi! You wanted to take notes, right? I was just about to grab your book for you... but... uh... noticed your phone needed to be charged so... ZAP!"

"Zap?" Izuku gives Kaminari a questioning look, then his eyes widen like a child being shown a magic trick as Kaminari's hand is lined with electricity, his phone charging in seconds. "Wow! I didn't know you could do that!"

"Yeah, neither did I..."


"Nothing! Come on, Kiri, let's go make out before class!"

Kirishima is pulled away just as Izuku's face turns as red as freshly made fruit punch. He completely misses the frustrated look on Katsuki's face, who's standing at the door glaring at his two friends as they approach him to give him the bad news.

Izuku's phone is password protected.

"You want me to what?"

"Tell Round Face to get Deku's password."

Mina gives Katsuki the blankest of stares, something akin to an RPG protagonist before you level grind a personality into them. "Um... no? Also, her name is Ochako. Or Uraraka. Or Sweet-Tart. Or yes Mina more."

"... that's too much information."

"Naw. It's not. And I'm still not doing it."

The two step into the lunchroom together to join the rest of their group. Kirishima and Kaminari are practically sitting in each other's laps while Sero sips his soda, jokingly telling the two to get a room or a bathroom stall.

"Look Raccoon Eyes, I don't ask for much-"

"You can't even get my name right! It's been three years!"

"It's endearing!" He snaps back at her."

Mina lets out a sigh worthy of Aizawa himself. "What makes you think she can even get the password?"

"You don't believe in your little Sweet-Tart ?"

"Ok don't call her that."

"Seriously dude, just let him read the message!"

"Shut up Tape Dispenser!"

"He's probably already read it," Sero mutters as he goes back to sipping his tea — soda.

"What was that?!"

"Please, Mina?" Kirishima hits her with a pleading look, suddenly making her feel like she's having a staring contest with a puppy.

"Ugh! Fine!" She stands up and puts her hands on her hips. "But I already had her distract him with no explanation, she's gonna expect me to tell her what's going on."


"Nope. Either I tell her the truth or you get nothing."



"I'll figure it out on my own," because seriously, he's known Deku for over a decade, his phone password can't be that complicated.

This, of course, leads to a heart-pounding lunch period where Katsuki's constantly looking over at the table where Izuku is sitting with his friends, trying to make sure he doesn't touch his phone. After exactly forty-seven seconds he says, "Can you at least tell her to make sure he doesn't look at his phone?"

Kirishima throws in that look again and Mina just shakes her head and pulls out her phone.

The Great Katsuki Bakugou TextmergencyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat