Good morning doll face

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It was already 10:00 am when James finally awoke . The sheets smelled like Marlon and he just snuggled up in to the warmth of the bed more. "Wake up Jamie! We've gotta got to go down to the studio soon." Marlon walked in and pulled the covers off of James. "Ugggghhhhh" James replied. Then Marlon picked him bridal style to the closet and told him to get dressed. With sleepy eyes James finally got ready and ate the eggs and bacon Marlon made before they headed out to the studios. James still was sleepy but aware when they finally pulled up. "Good morning doll face , we're here" Marlon said. It was about 10:45 now and they parted ways to go to work. Marlon was working on Guys and dolls while James is finishing up up with Giant. Dean was greeted by Elizabeth Taylor when he got there. "James where have you been?! I've had to deal with Hudson all morning. He's nice but boring. It's almost 11:00 in the morning sleeping beauty " James laughed and said nervously"I'm sorry I slept in this morning, but I'm here now." Elizabeth gave a suspicious look and stepped up to him , looked up straight into his blue tired eyes and said quietly " you were with him again weren't you, that's why you're tired?" James opened his mouth to say no but Liz caught him off with a yelling whisper " don't you dare lie to me Jimmy !I can smell his cologne on you!" "Fine! So what ?! Is it wrong for me to spend the night with my boyfriend?!" James yelled whispered back. Elizabeth scoffed and spoke quietly , " Really? Boyfriend? James , to be completely honest with you, I don't trust Marlon with you. He is the most arrogant guy I've meet . And we're working with Hudson ." "Look he doesn't treat me like a kitten , and he does take me out on dates." James replied with a little anger behind it. He didn't like arguing with Liz since she was one of his few friends that actually knew about him and Brando. "Really? Are you blind? Don't you think he's a womanizer? A boy playing with his toys? Face the facts , you deserve better.... Not someone who'll only use you ." James wanted to cry but kept his tears in by screaming at her " What do you know EASY???!!!" Elizabeth gave him a hurt but angered look and turned off stomping away . She turned back once and screamed at him " Go ahead and run to your fake love ! See if I care!!" He wanted to run to her and say sorry until she got annoyed with him and brush it off as a joke. He also wanted to be Brando's arms while he cried. He soon ran to his trailer and broke down crying in there. He didn't want her to be right but apart of him knew she was. He just pushed it to the back of his mind and grabbed his script. For the rest of the day all the actors gave it their all in their scenes. As the sun was setting, James went to straight to Elizabeth and apologized . First she slapped his arm then cried into his neck . James cried into her shoulder as they hugged for a minute and laughed at each other's faces. " You know I do care right ?" "Yes , I just got defensive and angry and didn't think straight " Elizabeth smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and left with her boyfriend. James went to the parking lot to fined Marlon at his car waiting. Marlon knows when James has cried or not and asked " James what happened? I can tell you've cried and don't you dare lie to me and say no!" James hesitates but then quickly said " They're just happy tears since we have only a few scenes left" Marlon looked at his sighed with suspicion " fine let's go home I'm hungry " They drove home in Marlon's white Cadillac by Burger king and headed to Marlon's place . The ride usually isn't quite but tonight it was . James gazed up to the starry night sky in awe. Trying to forget the thoughts in the back of his head. They were almost to Brando's when Marlon spoke up " Jimmy now I know something's up. What is it ? You know you can tell me" James hesitates, but then couldn't keep it in. "A friend of mine says that we don't belong together.. that you don't love me .. *sobbing* that you use me " They parked in the driveway and Marlon was fuming with anger. His hands were still on the wheel , knuckles white with anger and a little bit of lust. " Who told you that?" James stopped crying, got out of the car and ran with the food inside. Marlon follows him wanting to beat whoever told James that. He thought to himself they were right but couldn't let Jimmy know that. "Who told you that Jamie?" Quietly on the couch James whispers "Liz" "WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!" James didn't want to tell in order to protect Elizabeth from Marlon . " Fine don't tell me " Marlon slowly walked to James then grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him to the bedroom " I'll just show you I love you Jamie " Marlon said with a sadistic smirk. Part of James wanted to run but part of him wanted to be with Brando. His eyes were stained with tears while Marlon's were tainted with lust.

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