Birthday Boy

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Harry quietly crept in his son's room and kneeled beside his bed. He poked at William's cheek and smiled.

"Will. Wake up, sunny." Harry whispered, gently picking up the sleeping boy. The boy mumbled incoherent words and tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"Happy birthday, bub." Harry grinned, holding him close. William smiled, now wide awake and squirmed in Harry's hold. Harry laughed, setting him down carefully and grabbed his hand, taking him downstairs. Louis heard footsteps down the stairs and turned around from where he was pouring syrup on pancakes.

"There's the birthday boy!" Louis exclaimed, running over and picking William up as he squealed in delight. Harry chuckled and fondly smiled at the two.

"We made breakfast for you, Will." Louis smiled, taking him over to the dining table. Louis set William in his booster seat, ("I'm a big boy now so I can sit with you!"), and grabbed the small plate of pancakes.

"Well, I made it." Harry smirked at Louis. Louis playfully stuck his tounge out at Harry and sat down next to William. Harry chuckled and sat on the other side of William as well.

"Our baby boy is four now." Harry pouted at his son.

"I'm not a baby! I'm a big boy!" William protested.

Louis smiled and ruffled his son's curly hair.

"You remind me of myself when I was little." Louis said, glancing at Harry. Harry frowned and shook his head.

"You were a terror as a child. Your mum told me. William is no terror." Harry laughed. Louis pouted and pecked William's forehead.

"He's gonna be a strong, little Tomlinson, like his papa. Right, buddy?" Louis asked, grinning down at William. William swallowed the pancake he was eating and nodded vigorously.

"Just like you!" William said, taking another bite. Harry sighed and shook his head with a small smile.

"Are you excited for your party later?" Harry asked.

"Yes! Always excited for parties!" William shouted and laughed.

"Inside voice, Will." Harry said, raising an eyebrow at William as he smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Sorry, dada." William mumbled while Harry pecked his cheek and smiled.

"At least you have some of my genes in you." Harry shrugged, squinting his eyes at Louis. Louis raised his hands in surrender and grinned.

"Not my fault, baby." Louis smirked, laughing quietly and winking.

"Why call dada baby? He's not a baby?" William frowned up at Louis.

"Papa's just being mean. Now let's get you cleaned up." Harry sighed, frowning at Louis as well. Harry stood up and picked William up out of his booster seat, balancing him on his hip.

"Papa gets to clean up the dishes while you get a bath." Harry smiled at William while Louis groaned. Harry glanced at Louis and nodded his head, turning towards the stairs as Louis started picking up the empty plates. Harry put a hand on the railing and walked upstairs while William clinged to his shirt.

"Are you angry at papa?" William asked, pouting. Harry sighed and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

"A little bit, yes." Harry nodded his head, opening the bathroom door and walking in. Harry set William on the bathroom counter and kneeled next to the bathtub.

"I don't like it when you're angry at each other." William said quietly, playing with his fingers and looking down at his lap. Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise and stood up, walking over to William.

"M'sorry, bub. It's just that dada and papa aren't always gonna get along." Harry said, running a hand through William's hair. William looked up at Harry and sniffled, rubbing his eyes as a few tears leaked out.

"Oh, no. Don't cry." Harry frowned, cupping William's cheeks and rubbing away his tears with his thumbs.

"Why c-can't you just g-get along?" William pouted, sniffling again.

"It's complicated, sweetie. Let's get you in your bath, okay?" Harry asked, kissing his forehead gently. William nodded and lifted his arms up. Harry chuckled and picked William up carefully, walking over to the tub and kneeling beside it again.

(uh oh larry isnt very happy with each other and will is sad nuo ugh louis dont call harry baby in front of thE KIDS! and be slightly mm but okay i hoped you liked this little update, i'll update again soon, bye bye)

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⏰ Huling update: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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