You're my Princess (Anonymous x ???)

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Do you remember? About 4 years ago on how we fell for each other? It was one of the best memories I could cherish it forever.

We were on a camping trip with our friends and teachers at the nearby wood. Everyone was excited for it. And that is where it all began...

"WAH!" I exclaimed excitedly. Everyone was busy eavesdropping at the beauty of nature, especially HER.

Princess. Yes, that's what I called her. Why I chose that and not the other cool and sweet name? Well, first of all, she's a crybaby. And another thing is, she is more likely to act like one.

So, yeah. I teased her a lot. Like A LOT. Make her cry, I feels bad though for doing so.

Anyways, back to the story. Everyone was busy preparing all the equipment for the camping site.

I was helping out as well when I saw Princess came up chasing after a little fox.

"What's she up to? Silly Princess." I thought as I continued my works, figuring that it would take my mind off her.

But it ain't happening. The fox ran deeper to wood as she just chased it, oblivious to her surrounding.

I sighed and silently took off to look for her.


"Geez, how far have she gone?" I muttered as I walked through the middle of the wood.

"I think she might be lost by now." I thought worrying about her, when out of the blue, I heard someone crying for help.

"That must be her." I quickly ran towards the direction of the noise and found her crying in the middle of nowhere.

"Hey, Princess!" I called, as she turns around and tackled me into a hug, drenched my clothes with her tears.

I wanted to push her away, but it was not the right thing to do at the moment. Instead, I tried to keep her calm.

"Hey, just keep calm. We try to find a way to get ourselves outta here, ok?" I said softly as it might get her to calm down.

She nodded and holds onto my clothes as I guided the way to the camping site.

But the problem is, we're too far from where everyone is gathering and the day is getting darker as we tried to find a way out.

It's kinda hard to search our way out, when you have a crybaby clinging too close to you. "Why did I get myself into this mess?" I sighed and just walk, hoping it could lead back to everyone.

While we were walking throughout the wood, we heard people's talking. More like calling for us.

"Hey, Princess," I whispered. "Did you hear that?" I continued as we both silently listen for the voice.

"Try searching around these areas, they shouldn't been far away from here" The supervisor spoke up as everyone starts searching for us.

"They were searching for us the entire time! Thank goodness." I said feeling relieved as both me and Princess ran straight up to them.

Everyone's glad that we're both safe and sound. We all went back to the camping site to make sure everyone is here.


After everything is settled, I was with my friends when suddenly...

"I'm very disappointed in you." A teacher said with a very dishonored tone. "You are better than this. Just follow the rules, is that so hard to do?" She said to Princess, making her feel worst than ever.

I might not care for her taking the blame but she went through so much today that I couldn't stand to watch her.

"Ma'am. It was my fault." I stood up, trying to take the blame.

Princess just looked at me with a surprised face.

"Don't try to interfere. We both know you wouldn't do that." She said, not convinced by what I just told.

"It's true. I was playing prank with her." I lied.

"I told her to get firewood for our campfire deep in the forest." I tried to make it sound convincing.

I bowed down. "I'm very sorry to cause all of these trouble."

The teacher sighed, "You should know that there's limit to play prank on others."

Princess just looked at me, not knowing what else to do.

"And you," She turned to face Princess. "Don't let something like that happen again." The teacher advised and walked away.

We both stands, looking at each other.

"T-Thanks..." Princess murmured.

I looked at her, surprised. "Did she just thanked me?" I thought, probably my hearing sense isn't functioning well.

"Did you say something?" I asked, trying to confirm it.

She blushes and looks at me. "Thank you for everything..." she said softly.

My heart is racing as blood streams up to my face causing it to turns red.

"Gosh, why she had to looks so cute right now?" I thought, while trying to cover up my face.

"D-don't mention it" I looked away as my face is obviously blushing so hard.

"W-wait!" She called. I looked behind and she smiled. "Let's be friends" she said, smiling brightly.

I blushed. "S-sure, why not?" I said. "Name is Tsundere_Kazuma . What's yours?" I asked.

"My name is Azyra! Nice to meet you!" She said with the most cheerful tone ever.

At that moment on, I fell in love with her. We've been friends for months and I've never told her my feeling. Until one day...

"Will you go out with me?" I asked Azyra, bowing down. My heart is beating so hard that I could hear it.

"Y-you mean as a friends right? Of course I will-"

"I want more than just a friends." I cut through her sentence.

"Because I like you!" I confessed, looking straight into her eyes.

She blushes so hard and tried to looked away. "W-what d-do you mean you like me? I-I am not the girl you should be with." She implied, trying to avoid me.

I hold her shoulders. "Don't say that like nobody loves you!" I said. "You're the one for me! You are my Princess." I looked at her face.

She looks away. "But I don't like you..." she murmured.

She looks back at me and said with a smile. "I love you"

I just stared at her meanwhile my heart felt like it just skip a beat.

She blushes and looks away. "D-don't stare me like that. Say something." She covers her face up.
I smiled and said, "I love you too, Azyra"

At that very moment, it felt like a Christmas miracle. A week before Christmas, I confessed my love to a princess who is just for me.


Request by: Tsundere_Kazuma

Hope you enjoyed it!
And next update would be....


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