Choni One-Shot

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     Veronica's POV
Veronica walks through the empty pops diner, a shiver runs down her spine as it's December and it's also 3 in the morning. She had received a text from Toni to meet her, which was weird in itself considering they only really talk if Cheryl's around. She knew the two must've had a disagreement after the scene she witnessed today in the student lounge.
She was sitting on the couch next to Archie as she listened to Betty and Jughead go on and on about some new theory they had about the gargoyle king. God could they shut up already? I mean I know this is important but they've been rambling for like 2 hours and I'm gonna lose it she thought. Just as she was about to change the subject Cheryl burst through the student lounge doors screaming, Toni right behind her with tears running down her face.
            "What do you mean you don't understand why I'm upset Cheryl?!" Toni screams. Now everyone in the lounge is staring, waiting for Cheryl to unleash her wrath.
"Toni I am who I am. Im not changing just because you ask me to" Cheryl says now crying too.
"I'm not telling you to change for fucks sake! I'm telling you that what you do sometimes isn't okay!" Toni says trying to keep it together.
"You know what Toni, I cant do this anymore. Clearly you don't get me at all." , and with that, Cheryl stormed out leaving a sobbing Toni behind.
Veronica spots Toni the corner booth sitting alone with a strawberry milkshake. She slowly walks over and slides across from her not exactly knowing what to say.
"Um, hey Toni why did u wanna meet?" Veronica asks a yawn escaping her.
" I know you saw what happened between me and Cheryl today and I just wanted some advice. I would've waited till tomorrow but I have been up all night. I can't sleep. I just want her back." Toni says as a single tear rubs down her cheek. Veronica grabs Toni's hand from across the table and gives it a squeeze.
"What were you two even fighting about?" Veronica asks.
Toni sighs " I don't even remember what started it. It's the same thing every time. It's just sometimes Cheryl will be extra rude to people. I used to admire her for how sassy and confident she was. I found it really hot to be honest. But there's a difference between sassiness and just being rude for no reason ya know?". Veronica just hums and continues listening.
"I know she only feels like she needs to be on offense all the time because she's been so hurt. Everyone in her life has hurt her and the one person she truly loved, Jason, died. I can't imagine how hard it was for her. I do get it. But I'm here for her now and I just thought that maybe once someone like me really showed her how special and loved she is that her walls would come down, but it hasn't. I feel like around me she is the softest, most caring person I have ever met. The love and beauty I see in her when we're together is the most incredible sight I have ever seen. But then when we are around others its almost like she's a different person. I just wish she was willing to show everyone the Cheryl that I know."
Veronica thinks for a minute before saying "Toni, I get it. Trust me I do. I have never seen Cheryl as happy as she is when she is with you. And I know you wish that meant that her problems would just go away but the truth is, it's almost impossible for Cheryl to let people in. So the fact that she did with you is amazing yes but you can't expect her to do that with everyone especially this soon. Yes she clearly has work to do but don't we all? I don't think Cheryl will ever act to other people like she does to you but that's a good thing. You bring out a side in her I've never seen before. But while that soft side of her is amazing, Cheryl is still Cheryl and I don't think she is gonna change for anyone. That's what I admire though. She is who she is unapologetically. I think you need to give her a second chance. Tell her if something she does upsets you yes, but you can't ask her to change."
"Thanks Veronica. I'm gonna go fix this right now. I love her for her. I need her to know it" Toni says before getting up.
"Hey wait Toni, why did you get a strawberry milkshake? Don't you get chocolate?" Veronica asks as Toni begins to walk away.
Toni stops and looks at her before smiling and saying "Strawberry is Cheryl's favorite."
Toni then walks out of Pops leaving Veronica in the booth alone as she hears the loud roar of Toni's motorcycle fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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