Part 23

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Leah*lola I need a place to stay
Lola*i don't know why?
Leah*mom and dad threatened to kill me if I didn't get you for them
Lola*what?whats wrong with them?
Leah*i don't know they have went crazy
Lola*i know this but why?
Leah*prob because they don't have you to do everything for them oh the house is a total mess
Them Logan walks up
Logan*what are you doing here?
Lola*logan it's fine she needs a place to stay because mom and dad have went crazy
Logan walks in
Logan*ok if they sent you here for anything and if I find out you here to try to kill us or anything your dead
Leah*i promise
Lola*she can have my room
Leah*you sure
Lola*yea I've been sleeping with Logan
Lola*oh I forgot to mention Logan is my fiancé
Leah*oh my god really?
Lola*yea come in
Y'all walk in and sit on the sofa
Lola*and I'm pregnant
Leah*oh my god wow
Lola*logan and I are really happy
Logan smiles at you you smile back
Leah*yall seem perfect for each other
Lola*thanks I'm really happy with him he's made my life complete
Leah*i remember when you use to watch him everyday it cheered you up a little
Leah*look I'm sorry for being such a spoiled brat I know I was then when you left home I realised that you left because all of us was treating you bad
Lola*its ok that was a year ago I have life now and I'm really happy
Logan*im really happy too
Y'all smile at each other
Leah*its late could I go ahead and go to bed
Lola*yea I'll show you to your room
Y'all walk upstairs to your old room you open the door
Leah*thank you I owe you one
You smile and walk back down to Logan you sit beside and him cuddle with him
Logan*she seems like she is actually telling the truth
Lola*i know but we just need to have an eye on her especially because I'm pregnant
Logan smiles and kisses your neck you smile he pulls away
Logan*tomorrow I'm going to jakes wanna come?
Lola*yeah we can bring Leah too
Lola*im gonna go to bed
Logan*ill be there in a min
You walk upstairs to Logan's room and put on a T-shirt you just leave your thong on you lay in bed you feel Logan get in bed he puts his arms around you
Lola*night logs
Logan*night baby
Y'all go to sleep

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