Ganging up on Ultra Magnus

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Hi guys It's been a while.

Shockwave: *I was looking at everyone wondering which one to pick. When I see Shadow looking at her phone.* Are you already bored Shadow.

All:*Turn to her.*

Shadow: Hmm no, I just got a text from a follower and a friend. My follower @Lord_Deathsaurus has a dare, a truth and he wants a curtain bot to both.* Showing Shockwave the text, he chuckled evilly.*

Shockwave: Ok, I know who I'm picking. Ultra Magnus truth or dare.

Ultra Magnus: Dare.

Shockwave: I'm doing the dare@Lord_Deathsaurus  wanted since I don't know what to make you do. So here it is he wants you to change your color scheme to look like Dreadwing and Dreadwing to change your color scheme to Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus: *Shocked by this move, I just nod my head. I go over to Deadwing and scan his paint job and Dreadwing does the same to me, then went back to my spot.*

Shadow: Look at you, looking good.

Ulra Magnus: Grrr. Shut it soldier, I believe its my turn. Hmmm, Makeshift truth or Dare soldier.

Makeshift: Dare.

Ultra Magnus: It sire to you. I dare you turn yourself into MMD version of Uta from Tokyo Ghoul and dance to The Other Side by Jason Derulo. *Grinning*

Makeshift: Are you nuts!! *freaking out*

Ultra Magnus: You don't like it soldier, you know the rules.

Makeshift: Grrrrr, fine I'll do it.*go's to Soundwave to shape shift him. Go's in the middle of the circle and waits got the song to come on.*

Makwshift: *I go to Soundwave to turn me back  to normal and walk back to my spot next Shadow.* That was humiliating.

Shadow: You did great.

Makeshift: I'm going to get him back.

Shadow: You will and I know how too.*Shows him the truth her follower wanted Ultra Magnus to do.*

Makeshift: Hehehehehe, he is going to pay with that truth. Ultra Magnus truth  or dare.

Ultra Magnus: Truth. *Grinning like doesn't care what happens.*

Makeshift: You can blame Shadows follower for this truth if you plan to offline me or somebody else will have to offline you first before you can get to me, so here it go's. Is it true you had an affair with Elita One. *Grinning like he was about to laugh.*

All: *Look at Elita One, Optimus prime, and Ultra Magnus. And the three of them were looking at each other.*

Optimus: *Glares at Magnus with a deadly aura surrounding him. Remembering that time long ago, but knew the reason for it.*

Elita One: Magnus I think you should tell everyone the truth.

Ultra Magnus: Okay, Elita and I made it look like we having affair, because I was both there closest friends that they both had feeling for each other, but were to afraid to each other so they told me. Elita begged me to tell her if Optimus had feelings for her so I said yes. But, it was not my idea to make it look like we had a affair it was actually her idea. After optimus found out he  was about to offline me right there and then, Elita told him and forgave me for the miss understanding, but still holds a little grudge.

All: Wow. 

Ultra Magnus: Okay, my turn again. Smokescreen truth or dare.

Smokescreen: Dare.

Ultra Magnus: Dare you to tell us who hear in this room would you not make out with and do seven minutes in heaven.

Smokescreen: *putting one servo on my mouth to stop my self from purging my tank. He can't be serious. Okay scratch that he is, oh dear Primus help me.* It would*gulp*

Ultra Magnus: Now that we know, do the second step.

Shadow: * We watch them go into a closet. I set a timer for seven minutes. I decided to play some music or a video for everyone, cause the closet is not sound proof.* Hey, anyone want some music or a video to pass the time.

All: Yes.

 Shadow: *After the video was done. We had 8 seconds left. When time was up, we still could here the moans and groans from the closet.* Lets give them a few minutes, I don't think there quite done yet. Anyone up for another.

All: yes.

Sideswipe: Now that was awesome.

Shadow: I know. I think there done.

Blitzwing (Icy): that was very tight port and valve.* walking out of the closet, with smokescreen limping behind him.*

Smokescreen:* We sit back, thinking of some pay back. When Shadow showed me a message from her friend on what she want to do. I nod my head* Ok, my turn Magnus Truth or Dare.

Ultra Magnus: Dare.

Smokescreen: I dare you to wear a dress and dance.

Ultra Magnus: Fine.

sorry If I couldn't find a magnus in a dress.

 Shadow: * When he was done, he did something that surprised us all.*

Ultra Magnus: If I make someone do a normal truth or dare will you all stop ganging up on me. This is get ridiculous.

All: Fine

Ultra Magnus:* I go back to my spot and get ready to pick someone, when I get an idea on who I want to do. I smirk, this is going to be interesting.*

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