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"Cesar and I are just friends,"

"Are you trying to make me believe that or yourself?"

       Olivia smiled and touched Monses hand. It was Olivias big day, turning fifteen. Everything had turned out as planned, as Ruby planed, as better as expected. But now, she brought up the thing that Monse tried to avoid. 


god his name made her angry and hurt, and sad. But she couldn't tell Olivia that. Olivia and Cesar were together, but not anymore as of ten minutes ago. No matter how much that hurt Monse, walking away from Cesar after all they've been through, she couldn't tell Olivia what had happened earlier.

     Before Latrelle pulled the gun on them, Cesar told Monse how he wanted to be with her. But then the gun was pulled. Nothing else went down. Nothing was for sure except for the fact that Cesar had to get outta town, or kill Latrelle. That felt like forever ago, and Ruby and Monse promised not to bring it up again at the quince.

"Im not trying to do anything, or start anything-" The words came out faster than she could think. It was the truth, Cesar and Olivia were together and that hurt Monse more than anything.

"But it started before i got here...Cesars the guy from summer,"

     Olivia somehow knew.

"H-How did you know?"

"Because I do."

                                     .       .     .      .

     The dance floor was alive. Olivia and Ruby, as happy as ever. Monse stood at the table where all of the food was set up. Abueletia did an amazing job catering and handling the food. Cesar's music playlist was full of jams that perfectly fit the party vibe in Ruby's decorated garage. Jamal went to Mr. Green thumb, where he bought beautiful flowers just like the ones on Lil' Rickys grave.

    Looking across the table, Monse could see Cesar, looking perfect, talking to Ruby's dad. Cesar turned his head and locked eyes with Monse, who held her gaze. Both Cesar and Monse's dark eyes didn't move, they just stared.

Monse felt awkard, but she couldn't find herself to look away. The tension between them both was hard to miss. She blinked for what felt like a quick second, and looked up to see Cesar no longer talking to Ruby's dad.

     "See something you like?" Cesar smirked and walked to Monse. He stoped right across from her. He was so close, too close, she could see into his dark eyes a sparkle, and she could feel his warm breath circulate around her.

"I wasn't staring-"

There was a pause as Cesar grinned, and laughed. "Sure you weren't"

Monse starts to stutter, trying to come up with a reason she was looking directly at Cesar, "I-I-I wasnt staring, why would you think that? I was-"

"Shut up and dance with me," His playful tone was hard to resist.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her close, and with one hand intertwined his hand with hers. She wrapped the other free arm around his neck, and they both stared intently into each others eyes. Both smiling, they swayed to the music.

Although Olivia and Cesar literally just broke up, this didn't feel wrong. Cesar holding Monse felt right, felt like home.

"You realize were slow dancing, right?"

"Yep..." There was a pause amog the both of them. They both had something to say, they both wanted to open up and stop sneaking around.

Im tired of hiding Cesar,"

He looked up and pulled Monse even closer. "Then dont."

Cesar inched towards Monse and slowly touched his lips to hers. His hands moved across her waist as their lips passionately intertwined.The moment was perfect, and they didn't care who was watching; in the moment it was just her and Cesar, forever together.

O N . M Y . B L O C K / / E V E R Y T H I N G . H A S . C H A N G E D .Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon