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*3 years later - scott's pov*

I walk out of the airport with my luggage and stand on the side of the snow filled street, waiting for a taxi. I spot one and motion for it. They pull over and i pull the door open.

"The Steadmount hotel please." i say, shutting the door. He nods his head before pulling out. Here i am, back in New York after years. The majority of my time spent in England was amazing.

"So, are you just visiting New York or are you from here?" the driver asks. "I was born here, then i moved to Virginia for high school, then i moved to England for university and now i'm back to discuss a potential book publish" i tell him and he just nods. "That's quite an exciting life you've been living there bud." he replies and i laugh.

We eventually arrive at the hotel. I thank and pay the man before walking into the hotel i was set up in. I quickly drop off my stuff and head back out to take in the city.

I make my way down the sidewalk, looking around at the buildings. Last time i was here, i was attending middle school. I continue until i spot a coffee shop on the street, walking inside.

The inside smells of cake and cookies. I walk over towards the lady at the till.
"Can i please have a plain black coffee." i say and she nods, walking off to start up the machine.

I step away and sit at a table for two, waiting for the coffee. I look down at my phone for a couple of minutes, looking up occasionally when the bells attached to the door ring, indicating someone walked in.

The bells ring and i glance up quickly as usual. My stomach hits the floor as i take in the sight in front of me. A young boy, probably in his early 20s, has his arm around a girl.

That girl is Elizabeth Winters.

I watch as the pair step towards the register and order. He kisses her on the head as the lady walks away. Once they've ordered, they walk towards the back of the cafe and sit opposite eachother. She didn't see me.

"Order number 32." the girl calls from the till. I stand and quickly pay her for the order. I walk towards the exit, glancing once again at the pair. He holds her hand over the table and she smiles at him. They look happy.

I step out of the cafe quickly and walk back up towards the hotel. Of course, she attends Juilliard, she probably came to get coffee with her new boyfriend before class.

After we broke up, i never dated another girl. Not because i didn't want to move on, but because no other girl seemed right for me. But now, Elizabeth looks happy with her new boyfriend. He's probably super creative and super popular and super perfect for her.

I walk back up the steps of the hotel room and reach the bed. It's been a long day.


I step outside of the hotel and start the walk to Juilliard. Last night, i couldn't stop thinking of what i had let go and how much i have to talk to her.

When i reach the school, i walk inside and look at the tiny amount of students walking around. I glance up at the second floor where students were also walking. I guess if you're still in the hallways, you're late for your class.

All of a sudden i spot the boy again, walking with Elizabeth who is wearing his varsity jacket on the third floor. Because there are so little people in the halls, i can hear their voices echoing through the school.

"I'll see you after class?" she asks. "Of course, i'll see you soon." the boy replies. He gives her a quick kiss before heading off in the opposite direction. She walks inside of the lecture hall off to the right.

I walk quickly up the stairs but it takes quite a bit of time to walk up 3 floors. Eventually when i manage, i pull the door open. Everything in the room is completely silent and it's absolutely huge, rows of seats going right up to the top.

I clear my throat as all of the attention turns to me. "I'm sorry to disturb but may i please speak with Elizabeth Winters?" i ask the professor. She sighs, glancing up at her hundreds of students. "Miss Winters, you're needed elsewhere." she calls up.

I look up as Elizabeth stands up warily, giving me a look i can't explain before going quickly down the steps. I hold the door for her as she reaches me. As she walks past me out of the room, there is so mistaking the hurt in her eyes.

I shut the door behind me, leaving both of us alone on the 3rd floor of the school. She sighs before looking me straight in the eye. "What are you doing here Scott?" she asks and i flinch at her tone. "I'm here discussing a book publish, and i wanted to come and visit." i tell her and she runs her hand through her hair. "You know what you did to me Scott." she says, with a voice that could crack at any moment.

"I know and i'm so sorry." i tell her, stepping forward to take her hand. She quickly steps back, putting an arm up to stop me. I stop in my tracks and she lowers her arm. "I'm not yours anymore." she whispers.

"I know Lizzy." i say, taking a step back. "I just really missed you. It was really hard to stay positive without you." i say. "And i don't like the way we ended things."

"And is that my fault? That it ended the way it did?" she demands. "No, of course not-"
"Then i guess we're done here." she interrupts. She walks past me and back to the classroom door. She places her hand on the handle, but before opening the door she turns back to me. "You completely broke me Scott." she whispers.

I stare at her as she opens the door and walks inside. The door slams shut behind her and suddenly i'm lonely in this hallway all by myself.

this story is 100% going to continue.

heyyy guys!

we're now 3 years in the future.

and clearly a lot happened in that time.

read next chapter to find out!


The Popular GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz