Dream 1 : Nightmare

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No don't go... Don't leave me... Come back...

???'s POV
I just kept running, they were chasing me.
They won't stop no matter where I went. They just keep coming, until I ended up in what was somewhat a room. I closed the door shut behind me, panting. Good, I think I have hidden from them, for now. Well right now you guys are probably wondering what were they. They were the darkness, nightmares coming to haunt me trying to drain me of my life force. I sat down right next to the wall, trying to catch my breath.

Why were they even chasing me? What were they after? My life? Or is it...

Come, little child... don't be afraid... I won't hurt you...

"N-no... I d-dun wanna!" I whimpered while covering my head as if an earthquake drill was going on. My eyes started to feel cold. Tears? I'm crying? No! I shouldn't be worrying about that right now. Oh no, I feel the darkness getting closer someone please...,


I woke up breathing heavily, my chest felt like it was being crushed. My head hurts so much I just wanna pull it off and cradle it like a baby. I couldn't stand it, the pain. My vision was kind of blurry, seems like I have just awoken from a deep sleep.

I looked around my surrounding and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth. Seems like nightmares don't come out at daytime, huh?
I got up my bed and went to the bathroom, a little bit shaky but I controlled my balance well.
I looked at the mirror and, there I was, eyes that were quite red, face almost covered with sweat, hair that literally looks like a birds' nest right now. I seriously need to clean myself up, I'm such a mess.

Oh right, I almost forgot. My name is Amai Shinrin, currently in 8th grade. I live in a small house with my parents, though most of the time they aren't even home. The school I study in was, Origin High, quite a fantasy name right? But let's never mind that for now, author can't think up of a highschool name lol. Anyways, I do good with my grades, I have friends and I'm not considered as a problem child to the teachers. I also have some friends at home, they were fun to be with. They were always there for me whenever I needed them.

After cleaning up, I checked the time. 7:45am
Huh, I slept that long? Well, seems like I'm about to get late for school, it starts at 8:00am. I didn't even rush to wear my uniform and prepare breakfast. In fact, I was too lazy to go to school, we weren't even doing anything! Only the first 2 subjects we have actually done something this week, after breaktime almost no teacher go in or classroom anymore 'cause the school's kind of busy lately. After walking for so long I have finally reached school. I looked at my phone's clock. 7:59am Damn I'm so slow. I quickly ran towards our classroom, hoping that maybe I would get there before the bell rings, clichè right? I smacked open the door and plopped myself on my seat. My classmates just looked at me, I could also hear some that were whispering stuff like "Oh she's here..." No no, don't worry about me, I'm chill with all these gossips. Then the bell rang.

"Good morning everyone. Stand up and let us pray.", Kora my classmate stood up and walked infront of the class. He started leading the prayer and we lowered our heads. After the prayer, our teacher called us for rollcall.
While waiting for my name to be called out, I thought about my nightmare from earlier. Lately these nightmares have been getting to me for the past week, it has been bothering me. Maybe I should consult someone about this?
How about Kora? He's my friend afterall, I guess he could understand. He's my only friend in the class actually... Wait no, I shouldn't make him worry.

"Amai Shinrin! Wake up!" I heard my teacher raise her voice just to catch my attention.

"H-here!" I replied instantly after I heard her shout.

"Amai Shinrin, I know it's just rollcall and it's still early but please, pay attention okay?" she told me.

"Y-yes ma'am..." I answered softly. I could hear my classmates laughing.

After sometime it was already break. YES! No more lessons for the day since our teachers wouldn't come in anyways. I grabbed my snacks in my bag to eat, while eating I could hear footsteps coming towards me.



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