Chapter 13

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The roof was at least 20 feet high with strings of lights hanging down. Around the top of the cave was a catwalk with a spiral stair way in the back of the room. The lights were all beaming at the circular machine in the middle of the room. Nadine was senseless at the sight of the machine. It was made with modern day supplies. It was the front of a car without the windows and wheels. The car was painted black with silver streaks in the cracks. Where the engine is supposed to be is bright blue light. There is wires attached in every angle to the bright light. Around the car was four pillars that were all made by different metals. One was made by different toasters. The other was a mixture of microwaves and golf clubs. The thirds was composed of a fridge and a washing machine. And the forth was a car enigine a few lamps tied together and a exsercise bike. Henry stared at the contraption of objects and said. "What is with all the junk?" Nadine gave him a quick stare, but no one seemed to notice his comment. Peter and Dustin were amazed at the sight. They touched the metal pieces like they were a precious baby. "Beautiful isn't it?" Xander implied. He finally turned to meet Nadine and Henry's confused faces. He gave a slight smile and laughed. His face lines became more visable as he smiled. "I guess this looks strange to you. I used all the stuff I could manage to get power from. My ancestors created something a little more appealing, but I think this did the job." Xander patted the hood of the car where the blue light shone from and then stepped away and came near Nadine and Henry. "It brought you both here." Xander opened his arms to them as if to say 'your welcome' but Nadine didn't feel that way and stepped back from his gesture. "Look I am sure that you think that what you did was an accomplishment. Actually it is great accomplishment. No one in history has ever managed it, but I didn't ask to be here. We didn't ask to be here. I request that you send us back."

"I can't." Xander stepped back and he lost the smile that was on his face. "The machine has burnt out. What happened was an experimental test that was a success I might add. I don't have the energy to get it going again."

"Why not. Your a scientist. Find a way."

Nadine was rambling and then gave up speaking. Xander looked at Nadine stern eyes and then he put a hand around Henry and said "if I didn't do what I did you would be standing over your brothers dead body right now." Henry stared at Xander and then back at Nadine. He pointed at Xander and said "he has a point you know." Xander smiled at Henry and then back at Nadine. "Actually, Nadine, I didn't know what year I would be taking you from. It was a fluke that the machine was able to take two of you here. And I am very glad it brought you here Henry." Nadine was without words. All this information was starting to give her a headache. She didn't look at Xander or Henry. Emotion was building up in her mind and she knew it would show on her face. 'He has no right' Nadine thought. She turned her heels and headed out of the room. They all followed her exit with their eyes and Dustin started to follow when Xander said quietly "let her go Dustin. She needs to be alone."

Nadine couldn't contain the sobs in her eyes. She ran to the room that she first started in and cried on the pillow case of the bed. She didn't know why she was crying. It could be for many reasons. She is in a strange time, her brother could have been dead if she stayed in her time. She thought maybe she missed her house and friends. Then Nadine thought of all the people that died because of her order. Actually that was later in her life and she still couldn't grasp the reality of her future. She eventually cryed herself to sleep.

Xander brought the guys to the study and sat them down on the sofa. The fire was still going and the tea was on the table in front of them. Mrs. McTanver excused her self and went to bed. "Peter, Dustin, you two have been very quite though this whole thing. Tell me what's on your minds?" Xander started the conversation as he grabbed a biscuit and tea. Peter and Dustin looked at each other. Dustin started "I know that I want to respect everything that you do Xander. I have never questioned your motives, but are you sure that what you did was the right action?"

"That's a good question, Dustin. The truth is I don't know. You see the past is so much better to determine then the future. I can not see that my actions will bring distruction to this time. But I know that bringing them both here will prevent the distruction in their time frame." He looked at Henry who was still eating the biscuits on the plate. Henry smiled at Xander and then said. "I don't know why Nadine is so upset. I am actually greatful that you saved me from my own death." Xander smiled to acknowledge the sentiment. "I suggest you go to sleep Henry. We have a big day for you tomorrow." Henry smiled and darted out the door.

Peter watched Henry exit the room. "What is your plan for them?"

Xander rested his head on the head rest and said "Nadine could be a huge asset to our campaign. She has the will to conquer countries. She could help us heal the land that was destroyed those years ago."

"You mean join the rebellion? What if she won't?" Peter asked.

"I have a feeling she will." Xander gave a slight smile.

Lisa Krnac

Past in the Future by Lisa KrnacWhere stories live. Discover now