Katsuki walls to their usual table and Izuku sits next to him as always. Izuku starts to eat his first bento, from his mother, he's planning to save Kacchans for last. Katsuki eats in a moderate pace, glancing to Izuku from time to time as the greenet ate up his food. Halfway through Katsuki's meal and Izuku is already done with one big bento so he eats the other one, still from his mother.

Katsuki finishes his and gently tucks it in a handkerchief, chucking it inside his bag, The he takes out a bag of chips and eats that while he watching Izuku gobble up his. Izuku finished his second one and now he's down to Kacchan's bento.


For some reason, he feels like it's too sacred to eat.

"Well? Are you just gonna stare at it?" Katsuki asks, Izuku blinks.

He carefully unknotted the top, letting it fall and reveal the pink lunchbox underneath the handkerchief-

"I-It's.. cute." Izuku mutters, taking the lid off,

( uh credits to whoever owns this picture )

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( uh credits to whoever owns this picture )

"K-Kacchan! Y-You remembered that my favorite animal is a bear!" Izuku chirps, Katsuki blinks.

"Y-Yeah... I totally did." He says.

I just wanted to make him something cute.

"Ah... I feel kind of bad eating it... it's so cute..." Izuku said, gently poking its cheeks with his chopsticks, Katsuki stares at him blandly. Using his chopsticks, he plucks off the bears head, Izuku's eyes widen.


"Open wide and eat it whole! I didn't spend hours perfecting this just for you to not want to eat it just because you think it's cute!"

"O-Okay okay I'll eat it!" Izuku whines, he pouts, taking the head off Katsuki's chopsticks with his mouth and chewing. He immediately is attacked with spice and savoury flavors from the filling inside.

"I-It's spicy!" Izuku says, "Wow! I like never taste spice at all! This is so good Kacchan!" Izuku says, quickly gobbling it up. Katsuki looked plenty smug when Izuku immediately asks for water ( which he gives ).

"That was really good Kacchan! How did you get to be that spicy?"

"My mom just came home from a trip and she had a bunch of uh... Carolina Reapers or something. I just concentrated a bunch of shit and then that happened." Katsuki would never admit it but he hasn't dare tried whatever that thing is, he tried eating a whole pepper, he didn't spit it out but he did drink a lot of milk after.

"Those sound spicy, and they are." Izuku chirps.

"Would you eat some again?"


Note taken.

"Hey, Uh... you remember all the things I said yesterday?" Katsuki asks, Izuku stilled, his happy smile turning into a frown, Katsuki almost regrets bringing it up.

"I... That was pretty stupid of me to say, just forget all that stuff, okay? I don't mean any of those." Katsuki grumbles, "Lets be friends again, okay?" in an instant, Izuku's happy smile was back on his face, it was almost too bright for Katsuki to handle, almost.

"Of course! I would love that, Kacchan!" Izuku chirps.


Katsuki tried to not be to disappointed when Izuku turns him down when Katsuki asked him to go to the movies later after school, Izuku is apparently meeting someone up somewhere, he wants to push him for more information but Izuku looked like he really didn't want to tell Kacchan anything ( double ouch ) but says he has time on weekends, that, Katsuki is fine with.

Meanwhile Izuku is at Dagobah beach already, just looking this truckloads of garbage makes his mouth water, Yagi waves at him and he's almost too distracted by the food all around to notice him.

"Oh um, hi Yagi-san! What are we doing here today?"

"Well, I hope you remember when I told you I can pass on my quirk?" Izuku nods.

"I... I still need to train your body to make sure your body doesn't explode whilst your receiving it."

"Oh... Cool" Izuku says, not sure what to say.

"Either way. I would want to see you clean up atleast a fourth of this place, is that fine-"

"On it, sir!" Izuku says, lifting what seemed to be a heavy rusty steel bar, ready to eat it-

"I assumed that you would do that, so here is your challenge, young Midoriya! You can only eat the garbage you put in the garbage truck over there!" All Might says, pointing at the garbage truck that was pretty far away, Izuku blinks.

"But I can like, eat everything as long as I get it there, right? Right?" Izuku asks. Yagi nods with a smile, Izuku smiles back before hauling the large steel metal beam unto his shoulder, Yagi stared in shocked as Izuku marched with ease to the truck, he jumped on it still carrying the heavy offending long piece of metal then started to chomp through the thing.




"People feed me when I help with heavy loads."

Well that makes some things a bit easier.

Quirk : Extreme Omnivore ( KatsuDeku ) Where stories live. Discover now