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It looks real. It feels real. Everything. Like it’s replaying while I sleep. But my mind thinks it’s real. Bellatrix constantly torturing me and there’s no way out.


I‘m screaming. Screaming so that, maybe, someone will hear. Someone can come and rescue me from this pain and suffering.


She’s carving it into my arm. Blood dripping down and onto the floor.


In the distant I hear someone saying my name, not yelling it, just, muttering it.


“‘Mione. Wake up. It’s just a nightmare! It’s not real!” someone says as my nightmare slips away. I’m still screaming.


I snap my eyes open and see Ron. The screaming turns into crying. I lean onto his chest and cry.


“It was just a nightmare. It’s behind us now. It will never be real.”


As calm down I fall asleep, into a dreamless and peaceful sleep.






I’m sitting against a wall in a dark room, with only one light, pointed towards me.


“You’ll never defeat me Harry Potter! I’m going to keep coming back and you’ll loose to me everytime. While your friends, and family, die slow and painful deaths. Just think of all of the lives lose because of you. Your parents, Sirius, Fred, Tonks, Remus. All of them, died, because of you. You’re the reason their dead, because you got in my way.” Voldemort taunted as he circled me.


In the distant I heard a soothing voice, the scene flew farther away.


I opened my eyes again to see Ginny laying right up next to me.


“Harry? Are you alright?”


I broke down.




Ginny put her arm around me and it calmed me down instantly.


“I love you Harry. It was just a nightmare.”


I looked at the clock and saw it was 3am. I laid awake thinking for a while and then fell asleep.






"He'll never come back, he's dead. It's all your fault. You weren't looking out for him. He died because of you."


Images of Fred ran through my mind. I need out. I can't do this. I scream, trying to get out.


I snapped my eyes open to see Angelina sitting up.


"Sorry." I whispered as a tear ran down my face.


"Are you alright?" Angelina asked as my head fell back onto my pillow, I started sobbing as Angelina wrapped her arms around me.






I’m lying on a cold, hard floor. My head is spinning, I can’t think straight. Where am I?


“You’ll never get out of here you blood traitor!” A familiar voice yelled, not a good familiar though. It was then I recognized it as Voldemort’s. “I’m going to kill you dear husband.”




“Right here.” He shined his wand at Harry. He was all bloody and beaten. “Either you die or he does.”


“Gin. Don’t give up. I’ll be fine. Save yourself.” Harry said as he looked into my eyes with his emerald green ones.


“NO! HARRY!” I screamed as Voldemort pointed his wand at Harry and said the words. I saw the light leave his eyes as he died. “HARRY! NO! YOU’RE NOT DEAD! PLEASE HARRY! NO!”


I felt a tugging on my shoulder as the scene got pulled away from me.


“Gin? Are you okay?” Harry asked as I stared at him with disbelief




“Do you want to talk about it?”


I broke down sobbing as Harry wrapped his loving arms around me as I cried on his shoulder.


“It was just a dream Gin. I’ll never leave you. Never.”

I fell asleep as good dreams came.

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