Going through the forrest

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Tiffany Pov

I sat in my room, continuing to read "Abandoned by Night" copy that Edina gave me. I put it down since it was too noisy to read it. I looked out the window to see Jeff playing with Smile Dog. I ignored and waited until he left so I can take a walk around the forrest.

After 20 minutes, Jeff left to give Smile Dog a "special" treat. I took my classic white dress off and put something more light.

It was just right when I walked outside. The breeze hit my face. It was wonderful. I walked down the path near a small house: The 1999 house. I shrugged it off and continued my way down. Then, I found a little lake and a little cottage. I walked towards  the little house and saw through the Windows. It was vacant. I opened the door. There was a bed, an oven, and a bathroom. Perfect for living in I thought. I dropped my bag near the bag and laid on the bed. It was comfy. Then,


Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't been on, I have had things going on so please forgive me. And like always,

Sweet Dreams......

The Forbidden Forrest: A sequel to Finding A New CreepypastaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt