Chapter Twelve: The Nether

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   "Why are you holding your breath?" Herobrine asked obnoxiously.
I opened my eyes and looked around. My surroundings were red, white ghasts flew around like balloons, and in front of me was Herobrine with his famous blank expression.
   I opened my mouth to say something but barely anything came out, "I...uh... y-you know what never mind. Forget I did that."
   "Gladly," he turned his back, "now let's go find the nether fortress." With my wrist still clenched Hero tugged me again and forced me to walk in his direction.
   "I'm coming! Jeez!" I whined, "I can walk on my own you know!"
   "Since it's your first time in the nether I don't trust you alone. You can get lost easily here."
   "Oh come on! I can take care of myself! I'm an adult!" I protested.
   "Well then if you're so confident..." Hero removed his grasp from my arm.
   "Thank you. See? I'm perfectly capable of -," before I could finish I stepped right off the netherack cliff, and screamed a little as I plummeted into the lava. I fell in with a surprising splash and came up seconds later. Any player in my position would have died by then, but I'm no ordinary player. If anything I was just mad.
   "HEY!" I yelled keeping my head up.
   "Do you still want to go on your own?" Hero mocked, "or did you just want to take a lava bath on purpose?"
   "You did that on purpose didn't you!" I screamed for him to just hear.
   "Why would I do that?"
I suddenly noticed Herobrine's eyes were more brighter than usual. Then I remembered what Alexbrine told me about Herobrine having faint emotions in those eyes of his.
   "I can tell you're enjoying this Hero! Your eyes are a dead give away!"
   Hero's eyes immediately went dim, "Well aren't you clever."
   "Ya! I am! Don't underestimate me boy!"
   "Just get up here already Ella! You'll melt the armour off!"
   "How!" I argued.
   "Teleportation?" Herobrine sounded disappointed.
   "Oh... right." I quickly teleported myself back up to the cliff still frustrated and embarrassed.
   "Let's keep moving," Herobrine started to walk away. So he does have emotions I thought. I walked by his side in the now nearly melted, but still clanky armour.
We walked for a while and I looked around to see any more unique creatures. There were lots of ghasts, and many hordes of zombie pigmen. I've heard of these creatures from folk tales, but I never thought I would see them in person.
I suddenly felt awkward, so I decided to strike up a conversation.
   "So I've been thinking. What exactly are steves?"
   Herobrine took awhile to answer. He was thinking of how to explain it without confusing me, "do you know whom we're to first players created by notch?"
   "Uh ya. Steve and Alex they're called "defaults" by the villager priests."
   "Correct. Now you know what Steve looks like right?"
   "Ya. He looks just like you but with pupils."
   Herobrine sighed, "apparently. Now imagine Steve, but multiplied, and each multiple in a different hue."
   "Okay. I think I get it! So another question. Why don't you classify yourself as a steve?"
   "We're here," he avoided the question and pointed to a red bricked structure. I gasped a little at the sight until Herobrine told me to focus and once again stay close. I pouted. "I mean it Ella. A nether fortress is crawling with wither skeletons. They'll respect me enough to leave me be, but they will se you as an intruder and attack you on sight."
   "Why do they respect you?" I questioned.
   "Every mobster is intimidated by me," he bragged, "they know what I can do to them. They'll stay away from me if they know what's best. Now let's get going already. I want to get out of here as soon as possible."
   "It is rather hot here," I agreed. "Especially with armour on." Herobrine didn't respond like usual and just walked ahead. I followed shortly behind.

The fortress would have been beautiful if it wasn't so creepy. There was barely any light, lave in the crevices, and the red atmosphere did not help the situation. What really creeped me out though was the lack of mobsters. Herobrine said the place was supposed to be populated by wither skeletons, so where did they all go? The fortress was empty. I was worried the skeletons would pop up around the corner.
Aside from the the spooky scene there were some positives about the place. The windows all had great views of the nether lake, and the bricks were a nice colour too. Despite the nether fortress being run down its actually quite well held together! I wonder who built it in the first place...
"Watch our for the ghasts Ella," herobrine instructed, "they can see you through the fortress and break in."
"Okay," I answered. Herobrine and I walked some more until we finally came to blaze territory. We could tell we were there when we saw the spinning fire mobsters in front of us. I pulled my sword out and got ready to strike, but Herobrine tugged on the back of my chest plate before I got the chance.
"Oh no you don't," he held on to me, "I'll be the one collecting the powder."
"What?" I groaned. "Okay. If you're not going to let me do anything then why'd you even make me come?"
"I want you to watch and learn from me," he explained, "this is your first time in the nether and you don't know the first thing about this place. I want you to train and get to know your surroundings. Do you understand me" I sighed and nodded my head. "Good," Herobrine blankly stared. "Now watch closely, and whatever you do-,"
"I know. I know... stay close," I groaned from annoyance. Herobrine walked away and began to attack the blazes. They didn't attack back until he killed one of their kind. I unfortunately stayed back and watched, but only for a little while. By the time Hero killed the third blaze I got bored and thought to myself.
This is bullbrick! Herobrine's pumps me up before going here and now he won't even let me do something fun! Some business trip this turned out to be...
I looked to my left. There was a long hallway beside me. It looked very tempting.
Hero did say I need to get used to my surroundings~
At that moment I did the most dumbest thing imaginable to man. I disobeyed the instructions of a supernatural being.


It's been freaking three months...
I either have to quit using paper or stop procrastinating.... really really sorry guys. I promise the next chapter won't be so long to post.

Bye bye!!

Herobrine's  Assistant, Book one: PartnershipOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz