Cluster [ SE one shot ]

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Madeleine-Rose's POV [Harry & Corrine's daughter]

I felt a dry saliva go down my throat as I stared ahead at the hubbub that flocked my vision. The smell of rich French perfumes mixed in the air as people frantically loitered around the airport to make sure not to miss their planes by even a slight second; was not surprising to me at all because we were amongst them.

"Maddy-Rose, dépêchez-tu!" mum barked tardily as the strands of her hair ran all the way to the back of her head into a tight bun which she had hurriedly made when she saw that we were 30 minutes late. She wore a beige dress which collided perfectly with her sandals that Harry, my dad, had given her for her previous birthday.

"Calm down Corrine, we'll make it there." Dad cooed, carrying 4 year old Pierre on his back, who had a bush-like brown hair sticking out like plants would towards the sun. The resemblance he had with dad was nearly unbelievable as the two looked like the younger and older versions of one another.

"Okay mum, I'm coming." I said back, as the grip on my suitcase handle tightened. I was still dumbfounded by the news my aunt, Elliot, told us over Skype a week before of grandmother's passing. I could tell by her melancholy over the video chat as her voice gradually went dry as though she had been running for miles without stop. Her hair was messily done and the furrows over her facial features ran across her forehead. She wore wearing a worn out football t-shirt making me assume that she had planned to go to sleep soon after.

Judging by the fact that she and her husband, funnily enough also called Elliot, live closest to the grandparents in Manchester, I could tell that she was the first to receive the message. Before she was found dead, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and remained a strong fighter throughout her battle with the atrocious disease till a few days ago.

I couldn't even try and imagine grandpa's distress and agony of losing a spouse, everything seemed to be going so we-

My train of thoughts was quickly interrupted by the sudden halt of my whole family as he stared up at the yellow platform which read 'Platform 28'. This platform indicated that the plane that would be going to London; from there we would take another plane to go to Manchester.

I glanced over and saw a man formally dressed in a blue flight attendance suit with a woman, similarly dressed like him but in a more feminine attire; a hollow rectangular scanner that stood in the middle of the two. We had to first go through security before boarding the planes. A saw a line stretch out as the first in line would keep whatever electronic they had on them and walk through. A beeping sound from this machine would waft the air each time they did so in response of their action.

As if remembering a task that she needed to do before, Corrine stopped on her tracks and turned to Harry.

"Vous et Maddy aller de l'avant, nous allons passer à la salle de bain pour changer Pierre avant de prendre l'avion." She advised, "Devrait prendre un certain temps." She finished off before she stretched out her hands to get Pierre off Harry's back.

He wailed for a few seconds for the sudden shift but was gradually satisfied with a smile wearing on his salivary lips as he recognized who had snatched him away; making Harry to grumble a bit.

"Looks like it's our turn, let's go?" Harry shot a question to my direction before I nodded in response and following suit through the security.

* * *

"Bonvenue!" all my uncles chimed as I arrived through the door.

"It's bienvenue you dumbasses." Harry snorted at the chuckling idiots he called brothers before him. I shook my head robotically at the view of them exchanging embraces which was surprising to me because the first time we came to Manchester Harry had allegedly brought my mum home where she released me out of her onto the world.

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