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Before you can be a real perv... Ya need a pervy face... Other wise known as a "Rape Face".

Like the one I have on my cover.... I knew Link was a little perv -_-.

If you're a guy... Then you don't need to learn to have a rape face. You dudes are naturally born knowing how to make one. It's elementary!

For us dudettes, we can also have rape faces. Let's say you like a guy right? Okay... Imagine this.

He's talking to you... But you are only looking at his crotch. You are wondering how big he is. Your lips are in a smirk, your eyes are slightly narrowed, and your teeth are showed a bit. That my dudettes, is a rape face. But really it's a pervy face. 5% rape face, but it's 95% Pervy face.


I Am A Pervert....And Glad To Be One.(My Tips On How To Be A Real Perv)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat