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It seemed like a typical night in the quiet city of Oro Plumas. The city hasn't seen action in centuries when their ancestors drived all other form of beings away from the city, sending them ashore or to the realm of the dead. 

Ever since then, the city only catered to humans but this one night shook the mortals. A loud scream was heard over one particular house.

The black crows loomed over the house of stones and woods, there were uncanny dark clouds that settled right above the house. The scream was first of a woman, then it turned into a deep voice, then of many children until all the sounds morphed into one but a million people trying to over power one another. 

An elderly woman rushed into the house and saw a beautiful woman lying on the floor with just her long black hair covering her. The woman's lower body was drenched in blood as she desperately crawled to where her new born child was. 

"Beautiful" She whispered to the baby. 

The elderly woman walked up to the family and offered to help until she saw the eyes of the mother: pure black like the visible aura surrounding the baby. 

"Evil!" She screamed as she ran and called for help.

Almost everyone in the city rushed to the house with torches and stakes as they successfully took the baby away from the mother. The mother trashed and fought but all of her efforts were futile, she was staked to the heart as her house was set in blazing fire. 

The people decided to hike up Montana De Los Dioses, the mountain closest to the heaven in their known world, to offer the girl as a sign of good faith to the gods that looked after them.

Every one of them was cheering and mouthing words of praises as they climbed up the mountain. The view above was incredible, they were over the clouds as they overlook their city. 

They started grabbing twigs and leaves, anything flammable to use as a crib for the new born before they set her on fire, but first, a stake to her heart was needed.

The elderly woman snickered as she volunteered to do the honors, as she put it. The stake easily penetrated the small body of the newborn and went straight up her heart. The baby bled through every hole visible. 

Blood dripped rapidly from her mouth as everybody cheered  and chant their praises to the gods. 

They settled the child into her death bed, a father nudged his son to lit the wooden crib on fire. The son seemingly wanted to prove his manliness to his father, stepped forward with a torch but not until swallowing with tension. 

The boy shakily lowered the flaming torch to the newborn but was halted by a man, hovering above everyone, looking as though he was annoyed. 

"Are you the god which we sacrifice this child for?" The boy asked, scared but amazed by the set of white wings attached to the back of the man.

The god did not answer, he just stared at the baby that was almost violet in color aside from the dark blood pulsing out of her.

The god pulled the boy up by his hair and grabbed the torch. The boy thrashed and screamed, the father ran to the scene but was too late as the god grabbed the torch and set the boy on fire. Slowly ashing his little body.

"Fool." He muttered. 

The father grabbed a stake and tried to sneak up an attack behind the god but miserably failed as the god grabbed him by his throat and set him on fire, having the same ending as his son. 

Every one was in shock and didn't know what to do until the elderly woman knelt before the god and everybody started doing the same. Bowing and chanting words of praises. 

The god was now seethed in anger. He hated this. Killing someone, much less an innocent baby for them in the heaven realm. How stupid. 

In a flash, he went one by one, burning them. Maybe humans will learn their lesson this time. 

The elderly woman stared at disbelief, everyone with her was dead. "Why my lord?" She asked, her voice shaking because she knew her end was near. 

He just looked at her with a smirk on his face. "I am not amused with killing a new born baby, if this amuses you, please don't drag our name in heaven."

He loomed over the elderly woman, smiling but anger flashing in his eyes. He snapped the woman's neck before she could even respond, dragged a stake in her heart and set her on fire. 

He was about to go to the city to find his brother but stopped in his tracks. He closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm such an idiot." He muttered to himself. 

He faced the baby who clearly had no life left in her. Sighing in defeat again, he bit the inside of his cheeks until blood was dripping from his mouth. He gently put his lips on the baby and let his blood flow to her mouth, licking a few of her blood in return. The exchange was pure and innocent, like a lion waking up his cub. 

The new born coughed and opened her eyes, they were flashing brown; almost golden when hit by lights. Her color was starting to become alive again in just a matter of seconds.

The god just stared at the baby with warmth that he only felt until now. 

He knows that what he did was stupid. Exchanging of blood, the first step of the mating process. He didn't want a mate anyway and he definitely wouldn't bother to finish the two other steps. 

He flew to the city carrying the baby in his arms. He was staring at her in disbelief, he even debated if he should just raise the baby by himself. "That's stupid." He laughed to himself.

His thoughts were brought to a stop when the baby reached up to his wings and plucked a feather. "Well, aren't you a strong girl." He smiled with adoration. 

There were only a few people in the city, he chose a home with a light open. He took a deep breath and laid the baby down on the doorstep. He looked at the girl again, she was asleep as she clutched the feather that she plucked from the god to her heart.

He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead. "Take care, child." He whispered. 

He knocked on the door and went back to heaven.


Is this a little controversial though?

Let me know your thoughts. 

I went overboard, the prologue was supposed to be a maximum of 1,000 words. Sorry lol.

- L 

Word count: 1079

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