I am a Male Female

Start from the beginning

Geez.. Is everyone in your dream inattentive?

No. Not everyone... I'll get to that soon. You see, in this dream, the girls at my school are training for some kind of event. I'm assuming it was sports related, the dream was making me believe that. So after a few minutes, I follow the girls upstairs to a classroom that so happened to have glass windows that gave everyone view of my mini motorcycle. Again, no one noticed or cared that it was there. I should probably mention this about my old highschool in this dream now.


Its layout was all wrong. Some of it, anyway. For some strange reason, places in my dream world are altered despite my memory of them. So here's that as a reminder.

Why leave that as a reminder?
I'm confused.

That's understandable, I forgot to mention that earlier. But I said so now to let you know that some weird things sometimes happen in my warped dream reality. Weird things like lectures on a girls only sports event that include explaining via holography technology that is motion triggerd and three dimensional.

Ok, cool. So now what?

Remember when I said that not everyone in my dream was inattentive? The guy that was lecturing the girls and me decided to line me up with two other girls. I'm assuming because the three of us were new. He began to tell us that this event would be tough, etcetera etcetera. "Understand?" he asked. "Sir, yes sir!" we said in unison... Well, almost.


Yes, almost. My voice cracked a bit. Using the girl voice, after so long, messed with my throat. Which makes sense, I'm straining my voice constantly instead of putting it through a filter.

What happened next?

"Good, now repeat after me." the lecturer said. "I am am a female  male." Damn, I thought. I was busted. But I smiled. Before the confused girls beside me could say anything, I spoke up in my normal voice. "I am a female male." Collective gasps come from the classroom. Oddly though, no one was mad at me.

Really? Wow, I'm not really surprised.

You wouldn't be. But seriously, the whole classroom was excited about a boy being a girl. "We should let him be in the event." one girl said. "Yeah, let him!" said another. "Now did you know I wasn't a girl?" I asked the lecturer over the excitement. "Easy. A new girl suddenly shows up in the middle of the year? Very suspicious. I had to double check." he responds. That, and transfer students are immediately recognized, while I seemed to blend in way too easily.

Ok. Cute..Is that the end?

Almost. The dream ends when I noticed the school president snooping around my mini motorcycle.

School what now?

Campus president. My old highschool  was liberal arts based. Every major adult faculty member was labeled according to college stuffs. Even teachers were labeled "Professor."

Oh, well that somewhat makes sense.

Oh shoot, I had to catch them quickly. So I got up and headed out of the classroom. The girls cheered me on as I left.

Cheered you on?

I can't make this up. It was my dream, after all. It's what I remembered.

Of course, okay. Go on.

They cheered me on loudly. As I walked up to the President, I said "Excuse me miss, that's my bike." "With all of that cheering? I'm now surprised. Right this way." She picked up my mini motorcycle like it was nothing, and I began to follower her. Presumably to her office. And the dream ends with me thinking, should I go transgender?

Is that all?

Yes, that's everything.

Well..that's cool. I guess.

Yeah, but it's super early in the mornings while I'm writing this..

Eh.. It's a whatever thing.

I know, right? Being  a princess is so hard.

Don't even get me started

I won't. :P

Mature -_-

^~^ Very! 


That's all fam! Thanks for reading! :D

Until the next update, cya! -3-

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