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this is 6 months later.
Next day from tina's birthday.
Refer chapter 2..



In A Library In Pune:

Sammy stared blankly into thin air. His head replaying an incident from a month before.

Sammy was waiting for Tina. Pacing and drumming his thumb on his  book; he felt some one bump into the back of his leg.
He turned to find a little girl , getting up clutching a doll.

Sammy crouched down and held both his ears with an apologetic smile.

The little girl just stared straight at him.

"Quite unusual for her age."
Sammy thought.

Rooted in her place and hugging the doll close, her eyes were darting in all directions.

"Are you lost?"
Sammy asked forwarding a coffee candy.

The strange girl didn't took the candy but relaxed a bit; continuing her search answered him.
"You look like my pops."


The word echoed in Sammy's head. Somewhere deep in his memories,there was a giggling and laughter ;
Lost deep in that tranquility he hugged his book.

The sound of rapid breathing snap him back to real world.
The girl was hyperventilating with mute screams.
He called her but it landed on deaf ears. He shook her but no avail.
Her eyes were fixed.
Sammy looked around to find the object of her distress, television screen in a shop behind him.
He asked the guy to turn it off.

Panick set in as she started thrashing and yelling. He had a hard time getting hold of her but once he did, she hold onto him like dear life, chanting.

"Save muma , pops . please save muma."

Griping him more tightly as she goes on.

Sammy although startled, began rocking her and gently patting her back, repeating.

"Muma is fine sweetie, muma is okay, you sleep now."

"You bring muma home."
The little girl told him in a drowsy tone.

"I will bring her, now sleep cutie bird."  He replied her wondering why he call her that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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