Date 2

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Shoto's pov

As I put in the movie I glance at Y/N she was looking around with big excited eyes 'She's so cute' I thought with a smile then I turn back to the DVD player to make sure it was running then I sat on the couch next to Y/N 'She's so warm' I thought to myself then I started having dirty thoughts

*15 minutes later*

Ugh! I can't stop thinking about Y/N naked and grinding on me. I started to feel my friend grow tight 'DAMN IT!' I thought with panic I got up and excused myself and went to the bathroom to hopefully take care of the 'problem' I went in and shut the door behind me I sat on the toilet and unzipped my pants and started rubbing my member.

Y/N pov

Hmm Shoto's been in there awhile now what is he doing? What's taking him so long? is he okay? a million thoughts were running in my head 'Y/N just calm down he is okay you don't need to panic, i'm just going to check on him that is it' I said with reassuring thoughts I got up from the couch and knocked on the bathroom door "Shoto? are you alright?" I asked .... no reply. I think I hear grunting? "Shoto? Hello?" I said with annoyance ...... no reply "Well I am coming in whether you like it or not!!!" I yelled at the door. I forcefully opened the door to be met with a shocked looking Shoto. I looked at him he looked back we stood there in silence then my eyes traveled to his 'Friend' his eyes widened "Y-y/n it's not what it looks like" he said startled, I giggle in response. "I can help you with your problem if you want~" I said teasingly Shoto looked away blushing furiously.

Todoroki Shoto x Reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now