Chapter 1

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The Tesseract has been unstable.

Loki's fingers gently dance along the cool surface of the azure cube and it sparkles faintly in response to his touch. He can see a small swirl turning and twisting slowly inside the space stone like a little cyclone, enough to keep him wondering.

It has kept radiating for several months now. As though protesting silently. Every time when Loki aprroaches it, it hisses softly like a warm fire that lights up the dark. He can sense the faint excitement that flows inside the stone, and hear the music that it hums weakly in joyfulness. Creepy enough for a warning signal.

Loki's mind starts to spin. It can indicate something that is about to happen.

-or something being very near.

He pauses for a thoughtful moment before slowly turning on his heels to leave the vault in a kingly way through gloomy long stairs, realization dawning on him like a thud that startles his thrilled heart. He wraps his fingers around Gungnir-and grins a grin.

A very, very wicked grin.



Shirahama Beach, Wakayama, Japan.


The light has been flickering.

It shines its way out of the thick layers of leaves and branches faintly, refusing to be hidden. My bare feet rub against the sand as they carry me towards the light source gingerly step by step, satisfying my curiosity.

The trees grow denser as I walk along and the beach behind me gradually fades from my sight. The sand beneath my feet becomes mud, as well as the night that has fallen early.

I stop in front of the blue light that has now become so harsh. Narrowing my eyes I raise a hand to reach for it-

And something hard and cold stings my fingertips.

I draw back my arm almost instantly. Just by guess, it is probably a metal surface. But why would-



I just entered Ivan's Forbidden Land.

I hide myself in the shadows in a flurry as soon as I recognize the voice of the caller. Dozens of times have I been told not to enter the woods and dozens of times have I been wanting to break the rule. Ivan must have found me missing. Good thing he knows me too well.

"Cheryl?" he calls once again. I dare not to move a single inch before hearing his loud footsteps again, unhurried and hesitant, and eventually distant.

I exhale a big sigh. The light is still there glowing peacefully, blue and cold, still so piercing that I have to squint my eyes-

What I see really has me flabbergasted.

...It's a silhouette.

My subconsciousness instructs me to stumble backward, despite my curiousness. Yet it reacts so fast that my feet is working their way forward again, towards the stranger gingerly.

"...have you been there all along?" I dare in a whisper.

The eyes drift to me and glow azure.

"I know you'd be here."

I swallow at his words. He towers over me in very slow footsteps, his figure overwhelming.

"You here for that?" he gestured towards the metal door where the light locates. My gaze follows yet my head shakes.

"You mean you've been waiting-"

"Answer my question." he demands. For one moment there is only the music trees compose when they sway in the wind, all seem so tranquil. Before I challenge again.

"Are you?"

"No." he shoots back shortly.

I tilt my head. His stare suddenly becomes wintry and his feature darkens as the night deepens.

"Who are you?" I grill.

His lips are sealed like a classified letter, taciturnity speaks for him instead. His legs carry him two steps forth so the sparkling light can shine on him. His defined facial features all lay perfectly in the right place, forming a face I know too well.

Mr Loki.

"The Phantom Despot." I gasp. I can see his brows furrow in confusion as his alias escapes my lips.

"...what do you think you are doing here?"

"Don't say my line." he hisses in annoyance.

"...what do you want? The Earth for sure?" I tease snappily. As calm as I seem, my heart is hitting against my tense muscles so hard.

"You know very well who you are, McKelty. A failed undercover. Betrayed. The whole world is after you, and you are having nowhere to hide."

" that's why you are here after all? Giving me advice? Thanks, by the way," I whisper feebly.

"What you need for the moment is safety. And I can grant you that."

I take a moment to process his words.

"I don't need your protection, SHIELD will have me hidden well."

"Splendid choice. You just chose a bunch of mortals over a god."

"What would a god want for the trade? Cause I'm almost sure that a bodyguard like you asks for salary."

I can very much see the impressed expression he wears.

"Bring me to where you used to work." he utters resolutely.

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"And what would that do?"

He looks away.

I silently study the pretty face this psychopath owns. The deranged god I've spent my all to study and fathom, and talking to him was never a reachable dream. Every word he speaks holds levity, with his disdainful expression and elegant wordings that makes you feel incredibly ashame of yourself out of no reason.

"No one will be able to harm you even for the slightest bit. Unless they get through me."

"Three reasons why I should trust you?" I demand, half playful.

"I come afar for you, and have provided you a too obvious alternative. Most of all, you can't really get your eyes off me can you."

I immediately remove my eyes from his crotch.

"Haha." a hollow laugh is all I can afford.

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