The man stepped aside to allow a few other men inside. There were three men, including the one that stepped in first. Two of them radiated dominance and authority and if Nine was correct then they were Alphas as Dexter told her. They ruled the pack.

Nine's guard was up. Even though she towered over them in wolf form, they stared at her as if she was nothing but a measly Rogue.

"I didn't know she-wolfs could grow this big." One of the Alphas finally spoke. She didn't like the way he looked her up and down. His eyes held a glint in them that made her wary about that man.

He was much younger then than other. By the way he straightened his back and aired a sense of cockiness around him; Nine could immediately tell he was inexperienced. He hid behind his status and his control over his pack.

The beast within her bristled at the thought of teaching that mutt a lesson.

Nine forced the monster back; her eyes showed the battle between the red and white. She couldn't risk anything just yet, she must know if Dexter is alright - she had to wait.

She knew the only way to control the beast from lashing out was to submit and unfortunately as she shut her eyes and forced herself to lie down - Nine knew that the Alphas thought she was submitting to them.

"Well would you look at that, even a Rogue mutt knows who not to mess with." The Alphas laughed before quieting down and observed the she-wolf.

"Alright Tom, tell us what the hell she is." The older Alpha commanded the man who stood quietly in the back. All eyes were on Nine as the man spoke.

"Yes Alpha Jack." The man stepped forward and nervously cleared his throat. "Well, s-she's the undefeated champion of the ring. Her strength can o-overpower all of the strongest wolves here. I-I heard rumors that there is something inside of her that cannot be controlled or predicted."

Nine found it amusing that with every word the man's voice shook.

"Well clearly those are lies!" Nine slowly opened her eyes to stare at the younger Alpha. "She clearly can be controlled if she is submitting to us! I bet those weak Rogues just couldn't handle her like an Alpha can." He bragged and then smirked.

The young Alpha took a step towards the cage.

Nine growled at him, she showed off her canines and flattened her ear to the back of her head as a warning sign.

Alpha Jack chuckled, "Careful Mason, you're making her angry."

"Like she can do anything. Look at those chains - no wolf can withstand those let alone break it." Alpha Mason snorted. "Well I'm taking her with me. I bet I can make turn her into the shy little she-wolf she is." His eyes gleamed at the thought of taming this so called beast. He would even have a guess that in her human form, she would have an exotic body that remained untouched.

Oh how would like to get his hands on her and see how fierce she can really be.

Nine could clearly see the lust cloud in his eyes. Her claws dug deep in the cement to hold her down and her tense body was ready to attack. She fidgeted as she stared at him with predatory eyes. Remaining silent was always her way of playing with her prey. They would never know when she would strike.

Alpha Jack sensed the beast stirring within the she-wolf as she stared at Mason. He knew that the young Alpha was too inexperienced to notice the signs and it didn't help that he was too stubborn and conceited. He was not ready to lead a pack and it was only a matter of time before his pack will fall.

"I think we should kill her." He said finally. If what the rumors were saying are true, then she will be a liability in the future. Something this dangerous should not be let out alive.

He nodded to Tom who brought out a gun filled with silver bullets and pointed it at Nine.

"Hey! I said I would take her!" Mason growled.

Jack shot him glare which Mason challenged. He moved closer to the older Alpha, looking him straight in his eyes.

"She's coming with me." Mason snarled.

Both Alphas were face to face, neither one backing down. The air radiated power coming from both the Alphas. Tom's wolf sensed the dominance and cowered back in submission but not Nine. She watched on in interest, never had she witnessed two dominant males clash. She only knew of Victor as being the leading Werewolf.

"Back down Mason. You don't want to go against me." Alpha Jack threatened, his eyes darkening.

Mason maliciously grinned, "I think I can take you on old man." He knew he was being disrespectful but he was sick of the older Alphas thinking he was just a kid.

Jack didn't have time to deal with this pup. Without taking his eyes off the mutt, he flicked his hand to order Tom to get rid of the beast.

The younger Alpha heard the cocking of a gun and turned around - breaking eye contact and unknowingly submitting to the older Alpha. Mason growled and moved to Tom just as he pointed the gun to Nine's head but only one reached him in time when he pulled the trigger.

"NO!" a voice shouted out just as the bullet hit its target.



Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i've been sooooooo busyyyyyyyy!!!!

I'm surprised i even found time to upload this chapter....

eh, can't think of stuff so imma go to bed.

*goes to sleep on the floor coz the demon cat took the bed and i have no energy to push him*

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now