"Now how much will you pay to see your past, or future, my good sir?"

"Excuse me, past or future. What kind of show is this anywho?"

"Ah...." Said the man, chuckling to himself. He motioned to two chairs that seemed to have appeared, then sat down in one indicating that I was to sit in the other one.

"You see my good man. I have created something that no other man in the world will or has ever had before. Some may call it a trick of the light, but I would like to believe that this is time travel."

"Time travel...."

"Yes. Now of course to try it you would have to pay the right price."

"How do I know that you're not tricking me?"

"Okay, hows this. I will make you a deal. I send you back in time. Say to this very morning. Then when you come back if you're not satisfied, you pay me nothing. But if you believe then you pay me say, $250.00?"

"Alright, I suppose that it is reasonable."

Suddenly I heard a laugh from the man, then the room started to spin and I was back in at my house. I had my keys in my hand and a package under my arm.

"No way!", I thought. Then like they do in movies, I pinched myself. "Yep, this is real", I thought. Not knowing what to do, I started to walk to the post office again. It was really strange. It was like reliving the same day. When I got the corner I saw the man again handing out flyers. I took one, but this time I did not fold it up. I read it and just as before it said,

Come to this amazing event to experience a once in a life TIME experience.

Tonight at 8 P.M come to the fairgrounds where we will show you the past. All you need to bring is a very generous present and the experience will be yours.

Wow! Suddenly just as I had almost crossed the street I felt a tug. The world started to spill and I closed my eyes. When I opened them I was back in the tent sitting next to the man with the so-called time-machine.

"Well, what do you think."

"I...I...I don't know..if I believe it Mr...."

"Call me Time. You know if your not satisfied I will give you one more go."

"Sure, alright. One more time and then I will pay you what we agreed on, $250.00."

"You mean, $300.00."


Then the room started to spin, but this time something didn't seem quite right. Before the room went completely in circles I caught a glimpse of "Time" with an oddly frighting smile on his face.

When I opened my face I was not myself. I was an apprentice. I was watching "Time" build his machine. I knew how it was a watch, and yet I knew that it held all of time itself. It was "Time" it was part of him. There was no denying that. But this was only for a short time. I felt a sudden push and there I was in the grocery store. Just like I was 2 weeks ago.

"This is weird." I thought. Still, I had an uneasy feeling. I rushed out of the store and jumped into my car. I got home and slammed the door shut. I locked myself in my room and waited.


I felt the pull and when I opened my eyes I was in an alley. I looked out and I could see across the road the fairgrounds. Then I heard sirens and shouting.

"There he his! There's the crook! Hurry before he zaps himself away from here."

A siren came closer and I started running. Unfortunately, I ran to a dead end and didn't know where else to go.

"Please put your hands up and drop the watch. We are not afraid to shoot."

"I raised my hands and noticed that I was holding a watch. I dropped it, wondering what it was and how I had gotten it." The officer came up and handcuffed me shoving me towards his car. I was so confused that I did not struggle against the officer.


As I look at the window of this cell, I wish that I could have gotten my hands on that watch again. I knew how to use it. Then a thought occurred to me. How had I gotten that watch in the first place? It had all made sense before but. That's it. Time had changed the past. He had made me steal the watch from him. I ran to the cell door and yelled out, "Time I will get you". Suddenly I was through the bars. I ran for the door of the jail, but I heard a voice,

"You thought you could get away but you can't. You would be surprised at what generosity would do. But you never helped that old woman with groceries. You stole from one of the best inventors in the world. Now your fate has been decided. You are not a kind man. You will suffer the consequences. So now, I think that you will find this place perfect for you."

 The world once again began to spin. I tried to reach out and grab at the invisible force instead I landed on my face in some forest floor. I looked around, there was nothing but trees. I climbed a tree. I could see nothing but trees all around me. Then I realized what happened. Somehow I was something important that ruined "Time" in the future. He needed to get rid of me. So to make sure that I never got in his way again, he had sent me to a time and age where there was no modern technology, no way of using the knowledge that he had given me. He gave me the knowledge so that I would know how to get home, but I will never be able to. Now more than ever I feel that I am on the brink of insanity, and I don't know if it is even worth fighting anymore, for there is no one that will witness anything that is or will ever happen to me. Unless...........................................

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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