Max looks down. "I thought you died. I seen you die."

Alexis shakes her head. "I have no idea what happened Max. I was standing next to you one second and the net I just wasn't."

Max looks at Alexis. "Right, when you came to find me you didn't tell me what happened"

Alexis takes a deep breath. "Well I was approached by some girl. I don't know what she did to me. It's like she infected me with a virus that caused my powers to go crazy, my powers were killing me."

Max laughs softly. "I'm glad you're not really dead. How did you end up here?"

Alexis sighs. "I have no idea. But Max. I've been seeing everything that's been going on, I'm sorry."

Max grabs Alexis. "Wait how? So you know what's going on?"

Alexis chuckles. "I only know what I see, I'm not sure how but I'm still connected to the outside world."

Max smirks. "Alright good then I'm getting you out of here so we can win this."

Alexis looks down. "Max you can't."

Max laughs. "Don't worry I can save you."

Alexis looks up at Max. "It's not that Max. I don't know how I ended up here but I'm actually glad I did, this place may be some illusion but this storm is real and It's because of me. My powers are still unstable Max and their amplified at a level higher than I even knew they could reach. I can't even hold them back like before If I go back and let loose, I'll destroy everything and I can't picture hurting anyone that I care for."

Max looks down then looks at alexis. "I can't just let you stay here."

Alexis smiles a Max. "It's okay after all this time sitting here watching you and your friends and seeing that bitch witch tear things apart, I took time to think how I'm gonna help you stop here and I finally came up with the plan but it's a one shot plan Max you cannot fail."

Max smirks. "Well that's good news, alright let me hear it."

Alexis frowns then smiles at Max. "Max, you'r the strongest person I've ever met, and I realized that you had all this power but you truly hated it and you just cared for the ones around you. I realized who was taking care of Max. I know you would die for each and every person that you care about but there's no way I was ever going to let that happen. For years all my life has been was being shut out and cut off from people no line likes anyone who's clearly different. I didn't know what a friend really was so I didn't know what It'd feel like when I actually had one, then I met you Max and you became my closest friend Max. Now this isn't just your fight anymore it's all of ours. So please Max you have to do this for me, holding back all this power is like being stabbed all over from the inside and I know it wouldn't be the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing would be losing my world and knowing that I could have saved it so let's save each other."

Max shakes his head.

Alexis grabs Max's face. "I know your scared of your power taking over Max, but you shouldn't be." placing her hand on his chest. "The darkness inside you should be scared of you, because you are a force of nature and if it thinks it ever had any chance of taking you over it better try dam hard because you have the biggest heart out of everyone. Max with my powers this concentrated and powerful you have one use to bend a wrinkle in time and reverse time to restore everyone that died in that blast and everyone else would still have their memories but I'm guessing so will the Queen. But it will be before she gathers all that power, that's your time to strike. Once you take my powers there's nothing holding it back and this place will be destroyed."

Alexis smiles. "You can get him out of here right."

Lucas walks out in front of Max. "Yes."

Max steps closer to Alexis. " do I take your powers."

Alexis closes her eyes. "You know how Max."

Max shakes his head. "No! now-"

Alexis grabs Max. "Max please! This is the only way. You have to do this for me, I'll be okay. This is to save the world. I'm so happy I was able to even have you for my first friend."

Tears fall from Max's face as he raises his hand and thrust it through Alexis's chest grabbing onto her heart. Alexis's body falls to the ground.

The storm starts raging immensely as it gathers and starts tearing apart the Vale. The eye of the storm starts caving in. Lucas grabs onto Max's shoulder as they travel through a portal.

Few minutes later.

A portal opens in Mike's kitchen as Max and Lucas walk out.

Rose jumps out of her chair. "L..Lucas! Your here!"

Lucas smirks. "Yeah and it's actually me this time."

Rose walks up to Max. "Hey you okay?"

Max hugs Rose tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't remember what happened Rose."

Rose laughs. "It's alright I didn't even know what was real and what wasn't."

Few hours later.

Max sits in the kitchen with Ruby in his sheath.

Lucas stands up. "Hey Mac can I talk to you alone for a second?"

Max stands up and follows Lucas to another room. "What is it?"

Lucas pulls out a journal. "This is from Alexis or I don't know I just know she handed me this and I'm sure she wanted you to understand. Anyway I have somethings to catch up on, I've been dead for too long." Hands Max the journal and exits.

Max opens the journal to the first page and reads. "Am I dead or is this one of those dreams, those horrible dreams that seem like they last forever, if I am alive, why. If there's a god or whatever, something somewhere, why have I been abandoned by everyone and everything I ever known. what is the lesson what is the point. God give me a sign or I have to give up. I can't do this anymore. Please just let me die, being alive hurts too much."

Max closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe and goes to the last page and reads. "I've finally figured it out, how to help. I just hope that he knows that he's killing me for mercy to spare me from all this pain. I picture him holding me in his arms and he's crying. But I know it'll be the right thing."

Max closes the journal. 

END Of Chapter 37

Maxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें