Fire,ice and ice again!?!

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Days past and Gray and Natsu moved in together they had a nice little house in a forest with a little river running close by. Everything was perfect until one day...

Gray? Are you done in the bath yet? Called Natsu. Gray walked into the room naked and said ya I'm done with a sexy smile. Natsu blushed a deep red and covered his eyes Put some clothes on! Yelled Natsu. Gray walked up behind Natsu and hugged him then whispered in his ear what's wrong do you wanna do something dirty? Then Gray bit Natsu's ear. Natsu said in a very embarrassed voice no! Just please put some clothes on! Gray sighed then said fine and walked into the bedroom. Natsu was breathing heavily after thinking about what just happened and he walked outside.

There stood a man with spiky silver hair and a blue guild symbol on his chest in the shape of a mermaid. Who are you? Asked Natsu. The man stood there and said only Does Gray Fullbuster live here? Natsu look at the man surprised and said yes. Then Gray walked outside and said Natsu I put on clothes happy now? The man saud Gray? Then Gray looked at the man and said Lyon! Natsu stood there confused of what was happening infront of him. Natsu this is my childhood friend Lyon said Gray with a smile. Lyon smiled and said its nice to meet you Natsu. Ditto said Natsu surprised then Lyon said Gray so this is your roommate I assume. Gray smiled and said no. Then Lyon said butler then?

Gray laughed then saud in a serious voice Natsu is my boyfriend. Natsu blushed and said you didn't have to say it like that. Lyon was surprised and said boyfriend!?! Gray smiled and said ya I love him. Wow said Lyon so you guys live together because your dating? ya said Natsu still blushing. Would you like to come inside Lyon said Gray. Uh ya sure I guess we do have some catching up to do after all said Lyon. They walked into the living room and Natsu and Gray sat together and Lyon on the couch across from them. Gray and Lyon talked for a long time then Gray said I'm gonna go get some drinks for us all so please excuse me. Then it was Natsu and Lyon alone in the room together and Natsu said So you guys are childhood friends huh? With a cheesy smile on his face. Lyon looked very serious for some reason though and then he said I want you to brake up with Gray. Natsu was surprised then started laughing awkwardly hehe nice one mr. Lyon your good at telling jokes huh. I'm dead serious said Lyon as he glared at Natsu. Lyons eyes full of hate red in have loved Gray for so many years but he never noticed! He will understand soon and your in the way Natsu! So get lost!!! Natsu looked at Lyon with eyes of anger I won't let you have Gray said Natsu. I won't lose to you... Said Lyon.

Gratsu: ever after? 2Where stories live. Discover now