Dating Him Would Include (Jace)

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- Him taking you all over NYC and Alicante.
- Him kissing you all the time.
-Him always introducing you as Mrs. Herondale.
- Him holding you tightly in his arms at night.
- You taking him to the weapons shop in Idris when he is bored.
- You calling him Mr. Herondale.
- Him waking you up after everyone else had gone to sleep; and taking you on adventures across the city.
- Him being very overprotective.
- You calming him when he gets worked up.
- Him calling you "baby" when he is in trouble.
- You tackling him at random moments.
- Him buying food from Taki's reheating it, and calling it cooking.
- You getting angry with people and him having to drag you away.
- You waking him up if you have a nightmare.
- Him calling out for you in his sleep when he is having a nightmare.
- Him shouting out across the rooftops that he loves you. You usually then shush him because its three AM and the whole city will hate him for waking them up.

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