love thy storm on open eye chapter one

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 y/n  p.o.v after everybody ate ther lunches we put everything away and help cleaned up after everything was done  we all went outside for recess it was such a beautiful day nice breeze  i went to go play on  the play ground i when on  the slides on the play ground  when  another boy came over this boy name was  kai he is 6 yrs old  he said " hey what are you doing over here this is my slide " i looked at him and said  y/n"  excuss me but since when this your slide i dont see your name on it " the boy looked at me like he was about to do something i said " now are you really gonna hit me or do you want a beat down right now and get it over with " kai said " weak as you is you would stand a chance against me  imma tell you again to get off my slide '  his eyes are filled with anger he balled is fist up a step back he started to run toward me and  swung before he had a chance to hit me i stopped his arm and tripped him i pulled him up and twisted his hand i picked him up and body slammed him on the ground the boys just stood there in shock mode one ran away the other two  boys got scared and peed on them self  i couldnt help but luagh they all went to the other side of the play ground i went back on the slide  and start playing on it the i went to the swings i had ask one of the teachers to push me  his name is mr.t   we call him   he said " hold on tight  y/n ready going up " he push so high i almost touched clouds  i  was luaghing  and smiling " higher Mr.T go higher" i said  and so he pushed all the way up i felt like i was flying just then the clouds got dark really fast it was scary to watch just then  i hear a really big thunder clap that scared me i jumped off the swing and ran back into the daycare i went in the closet and close the doors and locked it i started tp cry mr T ran after me i dissapeared three other teachers ran looking for me i can hear them calling for me but i was too scared to move i was so scared i never been this scare before i hear someone opening the door to the classroom  i regonize the voice that was calling out too me it mr.tenson i wiped tears and open the cabinet door he saw me and said" why did you run off like that you had me and the others  teachers worried"  i sat down and wiped my face took a deep breath and said " im sorry i got scared of the thunder  " mr.T said" come here its alright to be scare but its never okay to run away you so small something bad could have happen to you " he picked me up and hugged me took me to the other room i see the other kids scared too my friends was shaken by the thunder i wouldnt blame them it really was scary i went to go sit by kaylee my best friend she was crying i sat next to her and hugged her she started to clam down she hugged me back i hear another thunder clap coming  out of no where blasting winds start to come in it so storng the wids broke the window glass luckey no one got hurt one teacher got up  and start talking to us in a claming voice her name was miss sweetheart " class ls listen  up as a group we will go to the emerency weather safe room there are no windows there  it is a safe room we can be in at this point everybody grab some one hand hold on tight follow and mr.Tenson to the safe room be carefull" everybody did ass they was told  we rushed into the safe room one more window had broken glass flew every where i was the last to get into the safe room just before i hurry in the room a piece of glass cut me on the arm i wanted to scream but i kept quite i got into the safe room the everybody from the other classes was in here too even the older kids i see kai and micheal in the other corner the teachers  had put seat belts around our waist  to keep us from flying around and getting hurt one of the teacher noticed the cut on my armed  she ran and told the other teacher   ms.sweet heart came over with the first aid kit she asked me " y/n  dose your arm hurt  at all ?" i looked up at her i said" i cant really feel my arm it only hurt when you touched the wound "  ms sweeheart was  shocked  mr.tenson went to go check the other kids and babies for cuts an bruise five of them have cuts on there legs  one of the girls rist was bruised everybody was fine mr.masion he works with new borns babies they was in another safe rooom with the nurses and doctors  everybody bowed there heads and there eyes was close  this was the biggest storm we ever had

done for today feel free to leave comments who read chapter  one  which chapter did you  like better tune in ext time for chapter three

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