** Not Sure **

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Chapter 2

Just as I walked through the door I heard a bunch of yelling and screaming. I ran to the back and saw Nia throwing bread sticks and melted butter on the person sitting down. I snatched the bread out of her hand pulling her away from the table. Are you crazy? I yelled at her. "Yeah, especially about my bitch". She screamed trying to reach around me. I pushed her back and told her to go sit down. As I turned around to apologize to the people at the table I then realized who it was. At that very moment I liked to lost my mind. Lord himself knows how much I want to bless with hoe with hands. But today is just not the day for blessings.


**Hey, Yes Its Me Jay. Im Q And Nia's BestFriend. Ima Keep It Short And Sweet. Cant Give Out All The Goodies Right Away. I Stand Around 5'3, Weighing In At 150lbs, Chocolate As Fuck lol Long Hair, With A Smile That'll Weaken Your Knees. Pretty Lil Stud Of Course.

Nia yells out "I know you aint just take that bitch side Jay?" Jay responds aggressively "Come the fuck on now. I know you not serious? Its a time and place for everything. And now is clearly not the time. Look at where the fuck Q is. You need to calm your ratchet ass down. Nia turned around and saw Q sitting at the table with tears falling from her face. So she walked over to embrace her. Q pushed Nia away crying "Naw Im good yo. Just go ahead. I don't want to deal with all that extra loud ass shit today. Sometimes I just be wanting you to chill the fuck out. Its my birthday and lets not forget the fucking weekend. Im not trying to spend my birthday weekend in jail bitch. Damn." Nia just stood there staring at Q with no words for a moment. Nia calmly said "You know what, Bitch? You're right. I was looking out for you. But since you want to act like im the one that's wrong right now fuck you. Happy Birthday Bitch. Im out." Nia begins to walk away. Jay then buts in "Nia you can be so fucking self centered sometimes. Cant you see shes hurting. Just calm the fuck down. You really going to leave your BestFriend in here on her fucking birthday?" Nia now has tears in her eyes as she turned back around to walk back to the table "I don't want to, but that bitch coming at me like Im wrong." Q looks up at Nia with her face broke down and rolling eyes, "Bitch shut the fuck up. You act like Im not fucking sitting right here. Sit your dumb ass down Hoe. I swear you get on my last nerve. Your hard up ass could've atleast waited until the fuck I ate. Stupid ass always want to fight some got damned body." Nia smiles and flipped her hair back " Whatever, that bitch got you fucked up" They all laughed while reaching in for a group hug. The manager walked over to Pooh's table and told her and her date they had to leave. Before she could tell us we had to leave we started gathering our things. We didn't make it to the door fast enough before Nia ran after Pooh. Nia taps Pooh on the shoulder, she turns around and Nia knocked her ass out. I love it when my bitch pass out 1 hitter quitters lol All I was waiting for at this point was for Pooh's lil friend to swing. Of course she didn't though. So Me, Jay and Nia got in the cars and went to my house.

Later on that night:

"What time yall hoes gon be ready?" said Jay. "Bitch don't rush us. Perfection takes time. And my baby has to look her very best tonight" said smart ass Nia. Jay nudges Nia head "Shut up, How about you tell me what the fuck happened earlier in Red Lobster". "That bitch Pooh had the nerve to be there with the hoe she cheated on Q with. So I had to pop her ass since she was trying to be all cute. Hoe ass gon get up and say I Love You Baby to that bitch so I swung on her." "Oh damn. Yeah I probably would've popped off too. Q my motherfucking baby. We not having none of that" said Jay as she stood up banging her first in her hand. Q walks in the room "What yall think" while twirling around showing off her figure in the dress Nia brought for her. "Got damn you look good Baby" screamed Nia. "Yes yes yes she do" says Jay while nodding her head as they both get up off my bed to come and embrace me. All smiles from ear to ear while looking down at myself " Thanks! Yall think so?" Like a choir they both respond with a genuine "Yes". I smile as I model my way out my bedroom door "Thanks Ladies, so can we go find me a lady now?". Nia yells out "Naw bitch not yet. We have to take some pictures and post how fine my bitch look" All of us laugh and agree. I walked over to my all black picture background sheet and start posing like a model. Nia starts flicking picture after picture. Once we was done I posted my top two favorite pictures of the night, and tagged the club in my caption. We all head out to Jay's car (all black exterior and interior Genesis with leather seats). We pull up to the club and before I could step out the car I spots this chocolate thing waiting in line. "Looks like I found my target for the night" I said to myself smiling.  We head into the club to enjoy our night. We got our id's checked and went straight to the bar to grab drinks. "Oh shit Nia aint that the manager from Red Lobster?" Q said while tapping her shoulder. Nia turned around laughing "Hell yeah, go talk to her fine ass" shaking her head no and blushing 


You look so good, Baby. I love you so much. Come over here and let me bless that beautiful body of yours. Q walks over to Jay nice and slow while rubbing on her breast, arms, stomach and ass. Yes baby, Im here responds Q. Jay picks her up with her legs wrapped around her waste. She lays Q down on the bed and starts to kiss her from her neck down to her toes. Every kiss that landed made Q squirm on the bed, and her pussy got wetter with every lick that landed on her body. Q grabs Jay by her chin to bring her in to whisper in her ear "Fuck me please, Baby" Jay flips Q over and starts to fuck her like she asked. Jay went in as deep as she could and started to stroke Q with all 8inches of her strap. "Yes baby, go deeper, fuck your pussy Daddy" moans out Q. 

Nia slapped Jay on the leg to wake her up and said "wake your ass up hoe, you moaning in your sleep. Who the hell you dreaming about?" Jay said "Huh? What the hell you talking about?" Both Nia and Q mocks Jay while laughing "Mhmm, Baby right there" Jay gets up out the bed " Aint nobody say allat, yall do too much" grabs her phone and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. Nia and Q both laughed while walking downstairs to wait for Jay to get dressed.


 It was to go to church. They all pull up to church in Jay's. "Good morning ladies" says the usher at the front door. "Let the church say amen" "AMEN" We all head out to the car to leave.  So what we doing today?' said Jay. I don't know what yall want to do? asked Nia. It don't matter to me forreal. I didn't have any plans says Q. Yall want to go to the movies? responds Jay. Both Nia and Q said "Yeah, Sure." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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