Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Start from the beginning

"I must've been long odds."

"Oh, horrible odds. If I had any common sense left that day, I would've said no. But Maxwell convinced me to take a chance on love. He convinced me that the Prince was truly falling for you. And even without anything else, he thought that might be enough to make you queen. And I suppose it turns out that I'm glad I trusted him."

"Maybe you should trust him more often." I cross my arms and give him a playful yet serious smile.

"Yes... I suppose perhaps I should. Now, are we done with the questions?"

"Well... one more. Bertrand... what happens after tonight?"

"Either you win Prince Liam's hand, or House Beaumont faces ruination."

"Let's go with the happy scenario."

"I'd like to as well. Assuming you don't win, we'll continue to work together in an informal capacity. If you do manage to pull this off, I'm actually looking forward to seeing how you'll do as queen."

"Bertrand, I hope I don't disappoint you as royalty."

"As queen, my disappointment will be the least of your worries."

I rush over and give him a hug, "I still value your opinion."

Bertrand clears his throat as we pull away, looking up for a second to hold back tears, "Well then, as long as you're willing to help out your sponsor every now and then, you'll stave off the worst of my disappointment."

"I'll be there for you when I can."

"House Beaumont will be in your debt. Well, I'mm off to ask around and see if I can discern anything about this idiotic letter. You socialize and win us a Prince."

"I'm on it. Have I ever disappointed you?" He stares at me, refraining from replying, "I realized it the moment it came out of my mouth."

"Lady Riley..."


"Just.... remember that you've managed to make it this far. Most nobles were saying you wouldn't last the first week. You've proven them wrong so far. What's a little more?" Bertrand bows to me and heads off into the crowd...

I place my hand on my heart and think, that was unusually kind of Bertrand. Now, I suppose I should mingle...

I search the room. but I don't spot any of my friends. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to jolt around and find Maxwell.

"Hey! I'm back. You okay?"

"Yeah. This whole letter thing is just a little weird. "

"You look like you could use a break. How about we get out of here for a while and get some air."

"But Bertrand told us to stay and socialize..."

"I know, but it's more important that you're in the right frame of mind for tonight. Besides, we'll stay close. What do you say?"

"We'd better not risk it. Bertrand looks like he's one surprise away from a heart attack tonight."

"Fair enough. I'd hate to lose him right before your moment of victory!"

Looking around the ballroom, a roguishly handsome man approaches me and Maxwell. He looks familiar, with the blonde hair and sparkle in his blue eyes. He is dressed in a tux with a sash around his chest, almost the same as Liam.

"Hello, My Lady, Lord Maxwell."

"...Leo!" Maxwell gives him and brief hug, "Where have you been?"

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