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Dylan jumps up, finding Ace walking down the hill. The glint in the elder's eye shows he will give no mercy.

" Son of a bitch, my little brother!" Eyeball yells, running down the hill, his feet slowing down once he's behind Ace.

" You wasn't planning on taking the body from us, was you boys?"

" You get away, man. We found him first. We got dibs," Chris states, pointing towards the two.

" You better start running, Eyeball, they got dibs!" Ace mocks.

" We earned him, man. You guys came in a car and that's not fair, he's ours!"

" 'That's not fair, he's ours.' Well not anymore."

" There's five of us, Eyeball. Make your move," Teddy threatens, stepping in front of Dylan and Chris.

Karma reacts instantly, the rest of the Cobras coming in view from the top of the hill. Billy shouts something at undistinctive as Dylan only glares at his brother, anger coursing through his veins.

" Alright, you little shit, you got two choices. Either leave quietly, not telling anyone what happened, and we take the body. Or you stay, we'll beat the shit out of you guys, then will take the body."

" Besides me 'n Charley found him first," Billy states behind Eyeball. Teddy then rambles in a mocking a tone at Billy, Chris trying to stop him. Billy is the one to stop him, trying to kill Teddy, being stopped by Ace.

" Alright, this is your last chance, Dylan. What do you say?" Ace negotiates? Dylan inhales heavily, his open hand forming a first. In a moment, his nail pierces his skin, allowing himself to breathe before speaking.

" I just have one question," he ponders pointing a finger at him. " Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit coming out of your mouth, John?"

photographs | chris chambers ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें