XII. A Christmas Rose Stained Red

Start from the beginning

Scarlet pulled up her black tights then brushed her red dress down. Inhaling a deep breath, she wondered if this whole date with Raoul was a good idea. Settling herself down on the white chair, she gazed into the mirror hung on her desk. She grabbed the red lipstick, slowly smearing it across lips then smacked it together.

Exhaling a deep breath, she ran her fingers through curled hair then grabbed her black leather jacket. Sinking into her long black boots, she stared at herself in the mirror. Suddenly, she crunched down, placing her hands on her head. "Why are you like this?" she grumbled, feeling her cheeks heating up.

Scarlet had been on dates before, but somehow this felt different - nerve-wracking.

She leaped up, and nodded to herself then shook her body. "Why are you nervous? It's just Raoul...Raoul is Raoul," she said before walking out the door.

Raoul told her that he had the date all plan out. All she had to do was show up with her usual pretty self.

Slowly, she crept down the stairs past the living room where Annabella was reading her newspaper. "Don't regret what you're about to do," she warned her.


"Developing emotions for someone who may leave soon will be a pr-"

"Raoul isn't leaving."

Annabella sighed, placing her newspaper down then her circular glasses above it. "Little Red...Honestly, tell me...How do you feel about Raoul?"

She didn't utter a single word because she doesn't know.

How does she truly feel about Raoul?

"I-I got to go," she stuttered, causing Annabella to sighed.

Raoul stood outside, gripping the flowers, Christmas Rose. He had been working for Annabella for days to save some money to take Scarlet out. He didn't want to take her out using her family's wealth.

So, to save some money for a proper date. He decided to go hunting for Christmas Roses in the forest for nearly three hours.

Raoul is genuinely a fool in love.

He rang the bell, running his cold red fingers down his black coat and smile while his nose twinkle for an upcoming cold.

Before he knew it, a conversation made its way inside his head. He knew it's never a great sign when a conversation-to-be is sounding witty inside his head. For the most part, it's a signal of the overconfidence that comes before a big fall. He read all about it in a psychology book he picked out at the library.

For days, he had been reading books and rehearsing lines from television shows. However, he knows he has to learn to be more natural, less rehearsed. Raoul knows he isn't a so-called social butterfly.

He even stood outside the front door for nearly half an hour because he had to do it to calm his nerves. Although from what he read and watch, Raoul knows that once Scarlet arrives, he should casually stand out front, hands in pockets, hair inadvertently ruffled.

Scarlet told him, she likes it when his hair is messy, and he kept it that way ever since. Particularly, when he knows she loves running her fingers through it.

When he heard the cuckoo from the clock, he immediately rang the doorbell. Raoul wasn't about to wait another minute.

Upon opening the door, Raoul's heart intensified at her image. Her hair was straight black, eyes dark, figure hidden by a coat.

"Hey," Scarlet breathe out white air, cheeks staining a deep shade of red. She had been standing on the other side of the door, waiting for Raoul to ring the bell.

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