I locked my phone and put it away. Like I said, I don't wanna deal with that stuff. I'm just focused on my fam.

Six minutes later I pulled up to my house. It was a small two-story brick Craftsman house. I suddenly remember all the crazy memories I had. Setting up a lemonade stand in the yard and having a car wash to raise money for my mum's surgery. At the time we were not in the best financial situation. Dad had lost his job so I came up with the idea of having a car wash. We raised almost enough, but grandma pitched in some to help pay for the surgery.

I walked up the stone path and onto the porch. I took a deep breath.

I already know my parents are gonna ask if I met a special someone and if I tell them I'm dating a guy, they'll be so disgusted with me.

They totally do not agree with homosexuality. Whenever we'd go out and see a gay couple they'd say mean things like "look at those sinners" or "eww fucking fags, promise me you won't be like those horrid people."

Every snide remark they'd say hit me in my heart. Even though it wasn't directed to me, it always hurt. From the young age of nine I knew I was different from the other kids. I didn't care for girls. They would only be friends. But guys. They were different. I just got different feelings for them than girls. And I knew that if I told anyone they'd hate me. And I hated myself for being attracted to them. I would sometimes go up to girls in middle school and just kiss them to see if I felt anything. I never ever did. And that just pissed me off even more.

The only person I knew would accept me is grandma. Over the years, she started figuring it out. She'd point out how I would be looking at a guy intently and not paying any attention to girls. Or she'd notice how uncomfortable I'd get when mum and dad brought up homosexuality. She knew that in college, kids like to experiment and she highly recommended me to. Not enough to be a slut though. Wait can guys even be sluts?

I shook away my thoughts realizing I was going into a deep talk with myself. I knocked on the door a few times. Each knock made my heart raced more.

What the fuck do I say when they ask if I found someone?

The door opened revealing my sister, Lottie.

"Louis, you're here!" she hugged me.

"Of course I am. Where's mummy and dad and the others?" I asked stepping inside.

"Mum and dad are figuring out last minute things for the funeral. Daisy's at a friends house and Fizzy and Phoebe are upstairs."

I brought my luggage upstairs and sat it down in my room.

It still looked the same. Nothing moved. I had dark gray walls with posters of bands or footie players. My bed still had the same blue duvet and my window was open, blowing my black curtains. I remember always slingshotting people who walked by from the window. I snickered at the memory and made my way down the hall to find the other girls.

I opened Fizzy's door and saw her and Phoebe sitting on the bed watching White Chicks. They both turned to me.

"LOUIS!" they both screamed running into my arms.

"Hey, you two" I hugged them.

"How's uni, Lou?" Fizzy asked.

"It's good. How's fourth grade?"

"It's great. I love my teacher. He's a babe" Phoebe giggled.

"I hate my teacher. She's evil and she looks like a witch. Like Phoebe" Fizzy said, showing a grin at the end.

"I'll punch you" Phoebe said raising her little fist.

"Hey be nice to your sister" I warned both of them, sitting on the bed.

"I don't look like a witch. If anything you look like a toad" Phoebe shot back.

"Shut up!" Fizzy replied sticking her tongue out.

"Hey, stop it both of you. I'm hungry so I'm gonna go make some food. What should we have?" I asked.

"Mac and cheese!" Fizzy yelled.

I giggled and ruffled her hair. "Mac and cheese it is."

Fizzy kicked me in the bum when I stood up. "Don't mess up my hair!"

I rolled my eyes. "Girls."

I made my way down to the kitchen. I searched the cupboards for the mac and cheese, but sadly there wasn't any.

I walked to the stairs. "Hey, girls! There's no more mac and cheese so I'm heading to the store!"

"Okay!" They yelled.

I snagged the keys to mum's truck and made my out to it. I hopped in, but suddenly the front door open.

Lottie came running out and getting in. "I will be accompanying you for this lovely trip."

"Okay, buckle up" I laughed.

I turned on the engine and back out the driveway.

"You know you should let me drive" Lottie gave me a cheeky smile.

"Haha. Maybe on a day when I wanna die."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever you, twat."

"You know, I don't appreciate these words that are coming from your mouth."

"Oh, fuck off."



I rolled my eyes and drove off. Ten minutes later we were in the grocery store.

"Hey, do we have any ice cream?"

"Nope" Lottie replied, too busy on her phone.

"Lottie put that damn phone down and go get some vanilla ice cream! God, you're such a teen!"

She rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone in her pocket. "Fine" she said walking off.

I searched the shelves for mac and cheese.

"Louis?" a voice called.

I turned around to a guy. He was maybe three inches taller than me. He had shiny blonde hair and a great smile. He also had this very prominent birthmark on his nose. Hmm that looks familiar.

I looked into his eyes. They were a breathtaking gray color.

My breath hitched.

"Max?" I asked.

"Yup. Max Stern" he smiled.

Max Stern. The first guy I ever liked...

I Hated You First ➸ Larry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora