"Of course. It's just so soon. Do you guys have a plan?" Asks her mom

"Well not yet. But we do know that I'm keeping this baby. I'm going to be the best mother that I can be to my son or daughter." Says Mel

That's my girl I'm glad to see her standing up for herself.

I rub her back to calm her down.

"Look Mr. And Mrs. Martinez I know this is a lot to take in. Your daughter is in good hands. I'm not one of these guys out here making babies left and right then leaving. I will take care of what's mine. I can support Mel and the baby. That's not a problem. I'm not leaving Mel's side. I know we are both only 19 years old. But hey we're going to try our hardest to be good parents."

"Thank you for telling me that. I know your a man of your word. If you don't mind me asking where are you from? You look like someone I know." Says Mel's dad

"Well I was born in St. Thomas. But my family moved to Atlanta shortly after. I lived there my whole life. I only recently moved to Miami, Florida."

"I know your family. There well known in St. Thomas. When I do business there I visit your homeland." Says Mel's dad

"It's a small world."

"Yes it is. Next time you talk to your mom tell Roz I said hello." Says Mel's dad

"I will."

"Enough small talk lets eat." Chimes in Tami she looks slightly agitated. It's like the mention of my moms name made her mad.

I just shrugged it off.

"Finally I'm starving." Says Mel

Lately all she wants to do is eat.

We walk into the dinning room. Everything is set up so nice and fancy. The food smells good too.

"I wasn't sure what you liked. So I just made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and a marble cake." Says Tami

"Everything looks so good. I'm down."

"Oh good." Says Tami

"Mommy you made all of this? You never cook." Says Mel

"You're right I don't. But I felt today was important. So I gave chives the day off. I can cook every once in a while." Says Tami

"Aww mommy that was so sweet of you." Says Mel

I pull a chair out for her. She sits down and I sit next to her.

Once everyone is settled we do a quick prayer to bless the food. Then we get out eat on.


"Mel next time don't wait so long to bring Shamoy around. You found yourself a keeper." Says Tami

"Thanks mommy and I won't." Says Mel

"Come and visit us sometime. Says Josiah

"We will. Thanks for dinner."

"No problem it was my pleasure." Says Tami

We say our goodbyes before leaving.

"That went well." Says Mel

"Yeah I'm just glad it's over. For a minute I thought your dad was gonna kill me. No dad wants to her that her daughter is pregnant at 19. They took it better than I thought they would."

"They surprised me too. It seems like my mommy and daddy really like you. See you were worrying for nothing. Everyone loves you I mean look at you. Who wouldn't love you?" Says Mel

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