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You woke up with a start. You didn't know what jerked you into consciousness so abruptly and that concerned you. Laying in your bed, eyes still closed, you listened to the sounds in your room.
The sounds were unfamiliar and that scared you. You could hear low talking beyond the door, the voices both male. You didn't recognize them as belonging to any of your family members. Concentrating on the voices, you could just barely make out their words.
"You know we can't just leave her here."
"Well, we can't take her with us."
"Why not? So, she's new to the whole thing; we could teach her."
"Sammie, we don't have time to babysit a snot-nosed new hunter. She got herself into this, she can get herself out."
"Dean, you know we should help her. She did help with that vamp nest."
There was a long pause and then you could hear footsteps moving from one side of the room to the other, as if someone were pacing. While they talked about you, you had slowly opened your eyes to peer around the room. Like you'd expected, it was a dingy motel room. You didn't know how you'd gotten there, or why, but you were certain about who was beyond the door-Sam and Dean Winchester.
Finally hearing a resigned sigh, you knew Dean was relenting to Sam's request.
"She's your problem," you heard Dean say.
Sliding from the bed, you winced. You were sore all over. Stretching, you hissed as pain seared through your right arm. Inspecting it, you realized that someone had bandaged you forearm. Clearly, you hadn't come out unscathed. Not that you remembered anything.
Padding to the door, you slowly creaked it open. Dean was sitting in a chair now, beer in one hand, a fork full of pie in the other. Sam was in the other rickety chair, laptop open on top of the small table between them.
Both looked up at the sound of the door.
"Uhm... Hi," you said meekly.
Standing, Sam gave your arm a look of concern. "How are you feeling?"
Fully entering the room with them, you shrugged. "Alright, I guess. What happened?"
"You were clearly out of your league trying to take on a vampire nest," Dean said with hardly veiled distain. "What were you thinking?"
Blinking, you gently gripped your injured right arm as you tried to recall what had happened. All you could remember was sitting on your bed, reading... Winchester fan-fiction. Your eyes went wide as it all clicked. Your friend had told you about some odd virus going through the internet called the Mary-Sue Virus, drawing unsuspecting fans into the 'verses they were so avid about. This had to be that.
When you looked back at them, it was clear that the boys were waiting for an answer. The pressing question was did you tell them the truth and let them try to find you a way home, or did you run with what was happening? Both had its merits, however; one would land you home, the other could land you dead, or worse.
"Uhm... I don't remember any of it," you murmured softly.
Snorting a mirthless laugh, Dean put his fork down. "You don't remember. You off three vamps by yourself before I even get there, and you don't remember. You didn't get hit in the head, girl."
Frowning at the gruffness of the statement, Sam glanced at you again. "You don't remember any of it? What about the actual hunt? Do you remember that at least?"
Shaking your head in the negative, you sank down into the unoccupied chair between them. "No," you murmured again. "I don't even know where 'here' is... I don't belong here. I have a boring, mundane life. I live with my parents, have two cats, and a crap job at a crap factory. I have a car loan and a husband with social anxiety... I don't belong here at all.
"Where I come from all of this is fantasy... vampires, monster hunters, the Winchesters..."
Looking back at them, you weren't surprised to see each looking at you as if you'd lost your mind.
"Maybe you did hit your head," Dean finally said with a snort and shake of his head. Taking another pull on his beer bottle, you saw him glance side-long at his brother.
Catching the look, Sam closed the laptop and stood, moving toward you. "Let me check your arm," he said, reaching for your bandaged arm. You were sure he was trying to assess your state of mind with his caring manner.
Offering your arm to him, you sighed. "I'm not crazy," you insisted. "I'm not."
As Sam gently pulled the bandages away, Dean sighed as well. "Ok. Fine. Say we believe you. What is it you expect us to believe? After all, you handled yourself almost like a pro back there. You knew what you were doing. One doesn't just stumble accidently into that."
Watching the younger brother assess your arm, you shrugged the free shoulder. "You've been to my world," you commented. "Balthazar sent you there once."
At the mention of the now-dead angel Sam stopped prodding at your arm and Dean set his beer down. "You belong to that world," Dean questioned cautiously.
Nodding, you looked at your wounded arm and frowned. It looked worse than it felt, and it hurt like hell. You were sure of one thing, though. It wasn't a vamp bite.
"I don't know if anyone alive knows how to get you back," Sam said, scratching his head. "Cas, maybe..."
The brothers shared a look then glanced back at you. "Providing, of course, you want to go back," Dean added.
"Why wouldn't she," Sam argued. "She said she has family back there."
Standing, you drew both brothers' attention back to you. "That's neither here nor there right now," you stated plainly. "There's more going on here than just me. We can figure it out as we go. I don't think this is the best place to talk about it, anyway. How far are we from the bunker?"
The boys shared a sharp look before Dean answered guardedly, "About a day's drive."
"Good. We should go back and work on things from there. I'm not as good as Charlie was-"
Standing in a rush, Dean grabbed your left arm, "What do you know about Charlie?!"
Gently pulling from his grasp, you looked at him earnestly. "That she was a good person and she loved you both until the end."
Dean dropped his hand to his side as he looked at Sam, his expression guarded, to say the least.
"As I was saying, I'm not as good as her, and never will be, but I know how to hit the books. Then we can call Cas, too. But I'm not the top priority here. Remember that.
"Besides, you said it yourself. I might not be able to get home. Might as well do what I can in the meantime."
"She has a point," Sam conceded as he slid the laptop into its case. As he packed the electronic device away, he glanced back at Dean.
"Yeah, whatever," the older brother answered as he tossed his empty beer bottle in the nearby trash. "So, does that mean you're baggage-free?"
Nodding, you resisted the urge to rub your offending arm, now free of its bandaging. "Yeah... As far as I know, at least. So... Can I help with anything?"
"No," Dean answered plainly. "Just go get in the car. We'll be there in a minute."
Nodding, you pretended not to see the look he gave Sam that clearly said they weren't done talking.

The trip to the bunker was relatively uneventful. When they stopped to eat, Dean was quite appreciative that you ordered a burger and fries rather than a salad, like Sam. Other than stopping to eat, you were in the car the whole trip. Rather than stopping to sleep, the brothers simply traded off the driver's seat.
Once to the bunker, the brothers unloaded their things and escorted you inside. You were beside yourself with excitement. You wanted to touch everything. You couldn't believe you were really there. Dean and Sam led you to a room half way between theirs, near the kitchen.
"This is your room while you're here," Dean instructed you, ushering you in.
"Thanks," you said meekly as you turned back to the door just as it was being pulled shut. "Hey! What are you doing?!"
Diving for the doorknob, your guess was confirmed. They'd locked you in. Why had they locked you in? If nothing else, those boys were thick-headed. You supposed they'd have to come to your conclusion on their own. Growling, you tromped over to the bed and threw yourself down rather childishly. Sighing, you covered her eyes with your uninjured forearm and contemplated your situation-again.

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