How Fucking Ironic

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They resume their attack on Waverly who could do nothing but cower in the corner as they advanced upon her yet again. Waverly let out a scream as one of them tore her shirt open and they continued their assault with repugnant hands roaming everywhere, across her back, over her breasts and the nape of her thigh.

All the while Wynonna screamed for them to stop and Nicole fought helplessly against her restraints. However, at one point, she had managed to stagger to her feet and she charged at the man closest to her but was stopped dead in her tracks as Bobo himself, with all the strength he could muster, swung his wrist and made direct contact with Nicole's nose, sending her tumbling to the ground in agony.

"BOBO" Wynonna screamed trying to get his attention and stop the attack on her baby sister. "PLEASE! BOBO I SWEAR I'LL HELP YOU PLEASE JUST FUCKING STOP, I'M BEGGING YOU"

"Now that's the spirit." Bobo replied snarling at the woman before him. "Boys that's enough playtime for now." He said turning to his men and snapping his fingers.

The men stop their assault almost immediately and out of spite for the interruption throw Waverly's shivering body across the room where she lands next to Nicole, whose body racked with silent sobs. Waverly reached out and cupped Nicole's beaten face, the touch comforting them both as she wiped away tears that flowed due to her pain with her thumb.

The latest blow had caused Nicole's nose to bleed profusely and Waverly pulled herself forward a placed a soft kiss on its tip, however, the moment is short lived as Waverly felt herself being yanked off of the ground and forced back into the chair where her arms are retied and she's left bound once again.

"After all this time, why now. Why come after it now." Wynonna said shaking her head, trying to understand and process what is happening.

"Because. I needed to make sure that you actually had it. And now that I do, your gonna be the one to get it for me." Bobo replied his eyes burning with hatred towards the heir.

"Wh-What are you even talking about" Waverly muttered her voice barely above a whisper as she continued to shake uncontrollably from the fear and cold that her exposed torso had been subject to.

"Well little one, sit tight cause this is one hell of a story for your history books" Bobo replied before continuing.

"As you know by now John Henry Holliday was not the only one who made a deal with the devil herself, god damned Constance Cloutie. Back way before you were even born your granpappy killed me, sending me to hell like the rest of the scum he dealt with. When the day came and I was resurrected as a revenant I vowed never to go back. So, I made I deal of my own, The stone which forged me and... immortality pendent of sorts. It stops me from dyeing and going back to hell, as a matter of fact, it very much so resembles that of your friend Docs ring. But you father stole it from me in an attempt to put me down for good, but he failed and in return I came after him and his precious daughters."


"Exactly. I tore the homestead apart in search of it but he hid it somewhere, somewhere only you know how to find. That's where you come in." Bobo said finishing his possessive rant and turning to Wynonna. "Your gonna go find it, and get it for me."

"I-I remember daddy coming home one night, he had a silver chain and the ring, it looked like docs. B-but I never saw it again, I swear to god I have no idea where it is" Wynonna said.

"You my dear are the dumbest heir to ever hold the Earp name." Bobo said trailing over to Wynonna.

"No shit Sherlock" Wynonna said, looking at Waverly an idea formed in her head. "But all three of us, right Me, Waves and Red over here, we can put our heads together and find your stupid ring."

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