Tomorrow There'll Be More Of Us (Lance/Valtteri/Kimi/Fernando/Daniel)

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Lance Stroll
29 October 1998- 15 August 2018
Aged 19 years

Valtteri Bottas
28 August 1989- 28 August 2018
Aged 29 years

Kimi Räikkönen
17 October 1979- 3 September 2018
Aged 38 years

Fernando Alonso
29 July 1981- 11 November 2018
Aged 37 years

Daniel Ricciardo
1 July 1989- 1 December 2018
Aged 29 years

Sergey sat on the bench opposite the wall the FIA had erected in memory of the lost drivers.

One thing that bugged him was the fact they had made the wall too big for the five plaques on there.

Almost as if they were expecting more names to be commemorated.

The Russian tensed as he felt a small whoosh of cold air next to him.
He knew what- who- it was. He had felt it before.

At Lance's funeral.

Sure enough, when Sergey raised his gander, his eyes met the warmth of Lance's cold gaze.

He turned to look behind him and saw them.

Valtteri, Kimi, Fernando and Daniel. All pure white with icy irises.

The Russian's breath hitched as Lance leaned in towards him.

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us."

Lance's breath felt like icicles on his skin.

The ghost of the young Canadian stood up and took Fernando's outstretched hand, all five ghosts disappearing as sharply as they arrived.

A chill went down Sergey's spine. What had Lance been talking about- tomorrow there'll be more of us?

He stopped and stood abruptly, running towards the Williams hospitality.

He had to find George and make sure he was okay.

Tomorrow another one bites the dust.

Tomorrow another suicide will happen.

Tomorrow there'll be more of them.

But the question is, who?

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