He stood there staring at him for a moment, almost as if he exacted him to say more, when he didn't he began. "Oh, um, yes. This is our ship." He made a jester to Rose. "Spaceship, um we had been in cryosleep for, well, I'm not sure. But we are both alive so that's always a good thing." he flicked a few switches and hit a few buttons before a sigh of defeat came from him. "Looks like we were awakened too early."

"Now, I'm no expert." The Master began. "But what I have seen from my experience. Mostly space movies, there is some kind of core power survive that can be turned on. It seems like there is some kind of energy reserve being used right now. After all, you two were supposed to be sleeping right now." He paused to look at the two of them. He did his best to contain his anger for the two of them. The man talked like him, which was bad enough. But now they are trying to say they had been asleep on his ship. He just had to keep going along with it, they would slip up eventually. "That is what you said isn't it?" A smile that he hoped wouldn't seem suspicious to anyone but the man. One that told him he knew he was lying, but he was willing to play along for now.

John stood there for a moment before answering. "Um, well yes. Perhaps we should go find. I mean go and turn it on, I guess waking up after so long got me a little discombobulated."

The Master made his way past everyone to make his ways to Rose. Placing an arm around her well using his other to shake her hand. "What did you say your name was again. I think I missed it before."

"Rose," the girl said in a small voice. She felt uneasy around him. It wasn't so much anything he did but seeing how he had responded to his presence she knew she had to be on guard.

The Master gave her his iconic, you can't trust a word that comes out of my mouth smiles "well it's a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps we can go find this power core together, shall we?" He pointed the hall behind her as he began to lead her away.

"Maybe we can all go?" John called out to him.

"No need, I think me and Rose can handle this on our own. Besides, you can stay here and check if we got it working or not. Maybe signal us when the thing starts running properly up here." he kept her hand around her shoulder as the began to walk away.

"Well, maybe you can take Sally with you," John called out, almost sounding despite.

"I don't need her," he said back in a dismissively way that made a sharp surge of juicy course through her.

"Well, then Rose can just stay here too." as John said this the Master stopped where he was standing. A few things crossed his face, first joy, then anger. By the time he swings around, he had what was close to his normal face back on.

"Well that doesn't make sense, how on earth am I going to find this thing on my own. It's not like I know anything about this ship. This is your and her's ship, after all, I need her to come with me to help me find the way." turning background the two of them were gone in a meter on seconds. The sliding doors closed behind them.

John wiped his hands across his face. Pulling his face slightly with it before letting a huge sigh out. "Well, this is going to be a long day" still staring intensely at the door that just closed.

Jack watched him for a moment before speaking up. "Do you know him?"

John glanced at him as if he didn't hear him, but then answered no.

"It's just" no one had ever seen Jack look so considered before. "Never minded. I think the better question is are we safe?"

He seemed to think about the question for a moment. "We are in the middle of space, with limited power and no way to safely get out. Aside from that." He glanced at Sally for a brief second before Gwen, Ianto, then back at Jack. "I'm sure things could be worse" he makes a week attempt at a smile.

The Story of Sally Armstrong (Doctor Who)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें