Chapter 1: How I Ended Up Here

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Ciara's POV
My mum told me her story many times. She was 18 when she found out she was pregnant with James and I. She doesn't know our biological dad. We were told it was a one night stand, but that they had never ended like that. The day after she found out, mum decided to she wanted an abortion (mum didn't tell me, my cousin Michelle did). She went to her sister to get help.
My aunt Deirdre payed for my mum to go to London. But while she was there she met George, my (step) dad.
She's booked an appointment, but something went wrong with the machine and she ended up hearing our heartbeats - which meant she changed her mind and she decided to keep us. At least, that's what James and I were told after confronting her.

James is the older twin, by five minutes. He's always been protective over me. He's always been my best friend. I love him so much!

George, our step dad, was like a real dad. He was actually more caring than our mum. Mum would always go out partying with friends, leaving us with George. But it was only a few days before we left, we found out she had been sleeping with multiple other men. It broke George, and us. Mum woke James and I up in the middle of the night and took us to Derry.

It was strange at first. We were there for three days before mum went back to London. It took even longer for James and I to start to feel comfortable with family we'd never really met.
I met Michelle's friends; Orla, Clare and Erin. I became friends with Clare more than the others. She's so sweet. But no one else at school likes me. Or James for that matter. Bullying is everyday for me. And it only seems to be getting worse. I've tried to stop it, but when no one will listen to you, it's hard.

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