Chapter Two- The Wings

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Chapter Two- The Wings

I fell for a small amount of time, feeling the ground rush faster to me, but I wasn't afraid, I was happy.

After a while, I felt like I was getting too far down, and so I forced my wings out, catching the breeze and sort of stopping my falling.

Yes, I have wings, for some reason, when I turned 14, I noticed something feeling weird on my back, and a few days I just had pain there, and eventually, one night I took off my shirt and saw some small, growing, golden colored wings, which are now 7 yards long when stretched out.

I love my wings, but never will let my parents know, afraid they would hate me more, for being different.

I glided through the air, the wind rushing through my hair and feathers.

I felt... free.

Free of all the pain and sorrow in the world. Away from all the worries, and mostly, away from my family.

I pumped my wings up and down, carrying myself up. I turned my head up, and used those beautiful wings to shoot myself up high above the cliff, and up into the sky.

I flew near the clouds, reaching my hand out to run it through the cloud, my hand wet when it went out of the cloud.

I swooped down, nearer to the ground, carefree.

I wish I could do this forever.

I made my wings flap slower, and gently brought myself to the ground.

I landed, folding my wings back behind me neatly, them curved at the bottom, folding up so they only reached my butt.

I looked up at the sky, then at my watch. 6:32.

Oh crap, I left an hour and a half ago! Mom and Dad will probably be so mad! I thought, finding my blue shirt a few yards away from where I first took it off, probably from the wind.

I pulled my t-shirt over my wings, and started running back home.


Bringing the last plate over to the table, I listened to my mom and dad's quiet conversation in the living room. Most houses had thin walls so kids could easily eavesdrop, but I just stayed having really good hearing from when I was a baby. Even the damage my body took didn't hurt my hearing.

I could only pick up some of the conversation, but what I heard was, "She was offered... Cant believe it... Halya High..."

"No... Don't let... Leave it alone... Ignore-" I was walking over to the table, but the plate seemed to fall out of my clumsy hands, crashing onto the floor, breaking, me cringing at the sound.

"Melody! Clean that up!" My mom and dad yelled to me, at the same time.

I picked up the plate pieces, throwing them into the garbage and getting another plate to replace the broken one.


I laid on my green bed on my side, because if I laid on my back I'd damage my wings. Common sense here.

Before dinner I had changed into a big shirt, as usual, with a thin jacket over the shirt to hide my wings.

I sat up, and grabbed my old phone, and looked for texts.

I know, I barely had any friends, but my best friend moved away a few years ago, but luckily she gave me her number, and I texted her as soon as I got myself a phone, from working as a waitress for many months.

She still hasn't texted me back. It has been 6 days, and no reply. I've tried everything to start up a conversation, but she never replies.

I sent her another text message saying, "Hey Dona, whats up." Delivered popped up on the screen and I awaited a reply.

I was starting to give up on getting a text out of her.

I wanted so badly to collapse on my bed, and just stare at the ceiling, when on my back, but sadly, I couldn't do that.

I laid on my side, looking at the wall, me being bored. I looked around and spotted my iPod Touch sitting on my dresser.

I got up and grabbed it, unlocked it, then opened flappy birds, and watched that little bird fly.

After playing flappy birds for an hour, and still not beating my high-score of 61, I realized I should to to bed because of school the next day.

BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora