5- In Pursuit of Truth

Start from the beginning

For the shortest second Alta had managed to register Hayes' lips were soft and felt quite pleasing. For another second she entertained the thought of how they would feel on her lips. Alta shook her head to herself. Why on earth was she thinking about that? 

"Draco, my aunt and uncle are inside already." Hayes said, gesturing to the shop. "Come on."

Mrs Malfoy was a beautiful, fair, blonde woman. She didn't really resemble her sister Bellatrix, Alatea noted. Mr Malfoy was fair as well. He was dressed in robes which conveyed his wealthiness. As Alta had met them a few times before she didn't shake their hands and settled to greeting them politely.

Madam Malkin had Draco standing on a round platform as she took his measurements.

"Did you hear yet? Draco was made a Prefect." Mr Malfoy informed Alta pompously. "Obviously, I expected nothing less as I was a Prefect myself. However, it is still considered a great achievement to be granted authority over other students."

"Draco, I am not surprised. You deserve it." Alta told the fair boy, who appeared pleased at this compliment.

"I must tell you, Alatea, I enjoyed and was deeply impressed by your essay on the possibilities in the use of Runespoor Venom on the Daily Prophet few weeks ago." Mr Malfoy said boastfully. "Such brilliant thinking. When did you have the time to write that?"

"It took couple weeks of my July." Alta replied casually.

"Such brilliance from someone so young." Mr Malfoy said with a nod, impressed. "Yes. We shall expect great things from you."

"Thank you, sir."

"Rigel, you need to choose the fur Madam Malkin is to make our winter cloak out of. They have black panther fur. Lynx as well." Mrs Malfoy called, referring to the small samples of fur laid out on a table. "Come look."

Hayes and Mrs Malfoy busied themselves with the fur samples, leaving Mr Malfoy and Alta stand by themselves near the entrance of the shop. Mr Malfoy seemed to make sure Madam Malkin wasn't paying attention to them before stepping closer to Alta. He lowered his voice, "The Dark Lord will reward your mother for her loyalty and soon she'll join us. After Rosalie is free you don't have to return to that disgusting place you're staying at. You just need to be there for a few more days before the start of the term."

Alta didn't know what to say, so she nodded. She questioned silently how her mother being a wanted escapee would mean Alta wouldn't have to live in the orphanage. If Rosalie was at large it wasn't like the woman could be legally responsible for her? But Alatea didnt bring herself to argue with Lucius Malfoy. The promise of never having return to the orphanage after the start of the term filled her with hopeful optimism.

The day wore on as they visited the Apothecary for potions' ingredients and Flourish and Blotts for new course books. Draco managed to persuade his parents to go to the Quality Quidditch Supplies after their plan to stop at Gringotts which brought Hayes to say,

"Why don't we meet you at Quality Quidditch Supplies? There's still couple places Alta and I want to go to." Hayes suggested casually, brushing a hand through his dark hair. "I'd rather not go to Gringotts."

"Fair enough. I thought afterwards we could have something to eat." Mrs Malfoy stated, readjusting her purse around her arm. "I'm sure Lucius can get us the private parlour from the Leaky Cauldron."

"Sounds good." Hayes nodded.

Draco and his parents set off towards Gringotts while Hayes and Alta made their way to Knockturn Alley. Alta had been there before but mostly out of curiosity, not with a specific purchase in mind.

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