Chapter 1 A Bad Start

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I took a deep breath as I approached the stage, I felt really nervous when I was nearing the stage. I grasped the mic.

a hand lapped over mine and I looked up. looking into two eyes. "I'm sorry love, I was here first." he said.

"you don't sound sorry." I shot back, trying to get the mic. but It was no use, he was really strong.

"I was being polite." he shrugged, I was already developing negative feelings for this guy. I could feel he was tugging at the mic too.

"come on!" someone from the crowd screamed.

"we could sing together." the guy proposed. and I knew if I didn't agree, we would come no where. we would be here fighting over the mic all night long.

"alright." I agreed, we decided on a song we both knew. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. the guy started to sing first.

" give me love like her

cause lately I've been waking up alone. "

he was surprisingly good. He was really good. people started to come near the stage. I even heard some squeal. I smiled before beginning with my part.

" And that I'll fight my corner

Maybe tonight I'll call ya "

I looked at the boy, he seemed to be impressed by my voice. there wasn't any space left in front of the stage as more people started to come near. I heard some scream, and a few were filming the performance. we started to sing the chores, our faces inches apart.

" Give a little time to me or burn this out

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around"

people cheered. our voices didn't sound bad together. we finished the song, there was a whole crowd. people screamed for more, but I placed the mic back in it's place and I was gone.

I walked down the two steps and tried to find a way through the crowd. I looked behind me, the guy had followed my gesture to go off stage. people closed in on him. people said I had an amazing voice and I thanked them.

I found my way outside. I rubbed my arms shivering from the cold. when I came here the sun was shining and there was no need for a coat.

but now, the sun had gone down and the cold was engulfing me. the cold wind cut through the fabric of my top. I shivered again.

I started to walk home. "hey wait up, hold on." a familiar voice called. and I stopped walking, waiting. the guy was coming closer. I now noticed how tall he actually was, he was really close and he was towering over me. I took a step back feeling small.

"hey." he smiled. "why were you gone that quickly?" he asked me. I shrugged.

"it's late." I said. "I had to go home." I looked up at the sky. there were no stars in sight but the moon was shining brightly.

"oh." the guy said, looking at the ground. "I'm Harry." he smiled at me extending his hand. I hesitantly took it. I noticed his hands were huge, he shook my hand gently. he let go of my hand making it drop beside me.

"I'm Mia" I said, his eyes searched my face then he traveled down my body. "what was all of this for?" I asked.

"what?" it seemed like he didn't know what I was talking about, and maybe he didn't.

"the whole making-me-stop-and-asking-my-name thing." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"that's normal. it's called making friends." he laughed at me, shaking his head, making his hair shake with his head.

"that's not how you make friends, I'm not interested in becoming your friend anyway." I let my arms drop. beside me, rubbing my arms,

"you know, the best friendships start unexpectedly." he told me matter of factly. I rolled my eyes.

"unfortunate." I said, I turned around walking away. If I hadn't been talking to Harry, I would be almost home by now.

"you're really stubborn." he said taking my hand in his hand making me turn around. at instinct I pulled my hand back taking a step back.

"I'm sorry for being stubborn." I said sarcastically making Harry laugh.

"I have a feeling you're disliking me really badly. And I can't imagine why." I raised my eyebrow. "besides the stage thingy." I rolled my eyes,

"I have to make it up to you." he demanded.

"no." I told him. "you don't have to make it up to me." I gave him a fake, small smile. "see stubborn." he muttered under his breath.

"then you need to give me your phone number." I shook my head. "or you let me take you out."

"you're a stranger, even if we would meet again, the most I would give you is my surname." I wanted to walk home again, but I knew I shouldn't. Harry had broad shoulders, was tall, and it seemed like he was really strong because he had big biceps.

"then unstranger me." he whined. I laughed at him. he then jumped pointing at me. "see! I can make you laugh." he exclaimed happily.

"I never said you couldn't" he rolled his eyes and huffed. I was getting really cold and rubbed my arms again. I wanted to go home.

"come on!" Harry whined pouting, trying to make his eyes big. I looked into his eyes, giving him a hard gaze crossing my arms over my chest again.

"like I said, A stranger. bye Harry." I started to walk away. Harry seemed harmful, with his whole appearance and such. but when you talked to him, pouting and things like that. he didn't seem harmful anymore.

I rubbed my arms once again, why did Harry have to hold me up. I shivered, and started to rub harder. Harry's voice made me stop walking whoever. like they took my breath away

"I really loved singing with you Mia."

Open Mic // Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin