You start to giggle at his freak-out until he uploads the same pic you'd already seen. Of course Waru couldn't keep from teasing Amai; it was just the way they interacted, but you knew they both loved it.

You dodge around the actual reasoning in your response, not wanting to spoil the surprise before it's even planned.

<I dunno, but he sent it to me, too. Kind of awesome, right?

>VERY AWESOME. I don't think he's ever posted anything like that on the app before. Good gods.

You could clearly imagine Amai's flustered face as he tries to keep his cool at his desk. You shake your head again; you'd have to have a little talk with the big red guy about this.


A bit later, you're curled up under a blanket and reading one of your favorite books, for the fifth time.

Your phone buzzes, making you jump. You glance down to see the big red emoji glaring up from the screen.

>>Hey, are you available?

You set your book aside and open the message thread.

<I suppose? I don't have any plans today, really.

>>Oh good.

Suddenly, there's a heavy knocking at the front door, and you glance at your phone suspiciously.

>>Might want to answer that.

"Oh my gods, he didn't-"

You hurry to the door and open it to see Waru leaning with his forearm against the top of the door frame, looking down. He was wearing that same brown leather jacket as he had before, but instead of a button-up shirt, he was wearing the tank top from the picture he'd sent earlier, along with a pair of well-fitting jeans and heavy motorcycle boots. His spiky hair was a bit mussed past his horns, and his beard was similarly a bit scruffy. He was really quite the sight, and your heart leaps into your throat.

He grins widely at the shocked look that crosses your face, tusks shining in the sun.

"Hey there, beautiful. Come here often?" He grins even wider as you giggle.

"You're far too smooth normally to be using such a cheesy line," you say in response, and he laughs.

You step back and wave him inside, with him having to duck to avoid hitting his head on the door frame. As you shut the door behind him, he makes an appreciative sound and turns toward you.

"Nice place you got here," he says with a smile. "It's really cozy, you know?"

"Thank you for that," you reply, raising an eyebrow. "And just how did you know where we live? I don't remember telling you yet."

Waru's eyes glitter as he lifts a single finger. "'Yet'," he says with emphasis, and you blush. "I have my sources, you know," he adds with a grin, and you huff impatiently. He laughs and raises his hands placatingly. "Okay, okay, don't go thinking I've got somebody keeping tabs on you. You can thank the furball for giving me the address."

You blink and shake your head; of course. Amai had talked to Waru far longer than you had, and it made sense if he trusted Waru enough.

"Anyway, I know that he's not getting off work for a bit longer, and I wanted to talk over the surprise plans with you in person," Waru says, following you into the living room.

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