﹁ thunderstorm

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A thunder crashed between us,
we fell apart with a broken heart.

You were grinding
and I was screaming.

Wrecked pleading,
vermilion rivers as we are bleeding.

Silenced moans turn to groans,
heated in anger,
such a carving hunger.

Devour happiness
as we swim in the
pool of a depressive mess.

Creeping noises
and crawling feelings
as something shifts in the ditch of ribs
and a memory loudly sobs in it.

In my mind, it sings;
once upon a time
when a pinky bubble was our love.

That thunder demolished it,
ripped into pieces.

Should I hope for a
sun-filled sky above us?

Or when we looked up at
the starry constellation of Pisces,
while making wishes.

Patches of scars,
scratches on us,
ploughing deep under the skin
as the voice of you and I cuts.

Breaking parts of my soul
whine in pain
and you wrap around my
neck a chain.

Under the heavy pressure,
your fingers paint a lilac art,
on my body it becomes
such an aching part.

A breathless moment,
that's how I felt either on
the rainless day when we met.

Should I curse that time,
when our love was not a crime?

May I, wish that you rot in hell
and try to shout at you as a farewell?

I want to,
eagerly boiling in me with
the need of breaking out of my ribs.

But instead,
I let out a tear,
piercing you with a motionless stare.

Which one of us
caused that thunder,
raging between us while I wonder?

My thoughts are hazy.
What if I am the one who crazy?

Memories of us
overflow my head
tiny seeds of joy as they spread.

Searching for meaning while
I'm trapped in madness,
does it make any sense?

You were so attentive,
now you are offensive.

The gentle touches
manifested into rough squeezes.

Faded smiles,
loud cries.

I don't even know
if I'm still breathing, maybe
I already rest in peace and sleeping.


I'm alive because
I can still feel how
my heart breaks, my body shakes.

Your brutal violence,
but something still
calming in your presence.

I think I lost my sanity,
a profanity how I still
love you despite your insanity.

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Thank you if you've read this random little stuff.

I don't know how I should call this so it will be simply little stuff, a random something. 

This is the product of a sleepless night. I was unable to fall asleep because my mind was a mess with a lot of thoughts so I decided to do something productive.

It was mainly inspired by the song above, Miley Cyrus; Nothing Breaks Like a Heart. Usually, I don't listen to her songs but this one is freaking good.

I can't write without music so probably most of these little things here will be inspired by a song.

Once again, thanks for the reading! ♡

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