Chapter 15 - An Embarrassing Situation

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Shouto: You don't actually mean what I think you mean right?
Me: Well I'm pretty sure it's that. ANYWAYS!! I'll be going to sleep now. Good night.
With that I plugged my phone in to charge and jumped into the large bed I was given. The bed covers were surprisingly soft and comfortable although the temperature in the room was still far too high. The temperature instantly drops when I mutter the name of an ice demon, my seventh demon. Valefor. Despite the notifications I was getting on my phone, I refrained from looking at it and fell asleep.

"Wake me up... Please... Set me free!" A faint voice screamed in distress. The voice belonged to a young girl, a girl with silky smooth black hair with red tips. As she sobbed more blood pooled from under her, more blood stained the white gown she wore. "Please... please... JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" The girl cried. Blood dripping from her eyes. Her tears were blood. The girl gave out one final scream for help before her body gave away and she slumped over. She's dead. "If you don't want to end up just like her then sweetie... Run." A hand reaches out for her face, Tomura Shigaraki. My eyes snapped open to see Kaminari shaking me, Crimson Element and her subordinates all around me with concerned expressions. "W-what's going on?" I asked, my voice hoarse. "You were screaming in your sleep. Plus you slept past your alarms so I came to get you." Kaminari explained, he wore a worried expression as did everyone else in the room. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to worry you all." I said, turning to everyone. The dream wasn't normal, it was possibly a message someone was trying to get to me but it wasn't very likely. The most likely possibility was just a nightmare. A nightmare that shook me to my very core. As everyone left and a few people telling me to hurry up and get ready I merely nodded before picking up my phone and giving Shouto a call. The phone rang several times before he finally picked up. "What is it (Y/N)?" It was clear that he had just woken up, his groggy voice was incredibly seductive. "Good morning to you too. And I had a nightmare. I'm just shaken up is all really. You?" I answered. I was more than just shaken up, I was terrified. The bicolored male must have heard her voice trembling and his tone became increasingly serious. "(Y/N) if you need any help with anything just call me or send me your location and I'll come running. You know that."

"Of course. I know. Anyways I need to get ready. Have a good day Shouto, and I love you." A smile spread across my face as he answered. "I love you too." Nothing could describe how happy I was to hear those words from him. I finally end the call and get ready for the day ahead of me.

A/N- So sorry for the slow update. I've been extremely busy with finals and high school in general. It's been extremely new to me and it's been fairly difficult for me to find new inspiration for this story but I won't give up on it! So yeah, that's also the reason why I won't be doing a Christmas special like I had originally planned to do. So sorry! And well good bye and have a Merry Christmas!!

P.S. It's like 12:40AM over here and I don't know why and how I'm still awake.

Lost Light (Todoroki x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz