Phase Twenty Four: Grateful

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They were currently sprawled on a sofa in their balcony. Yue currently seated on Dylan's lap, caressing his hair, while Dylan snuggled on her neck. After his session with his dad, he would usually lock himself out from the world in order to reflect effectively. Something that he was used on doing since his mom and brother died. He may be outgoing but when it came to his problems with his dad he preferred to deal it with himself, alone. It wasn't the case for now though, now that he has a partner. He requested to be alone for the time being but his moon was too worried for him and insisted to accompany him. He sighed in contentment of having her around now, inhaling her scent while they both enjoyed the view of the moon.

"Bao? I wonder if your mom was around.. will she like me? She seemed to be a great and loving mom.." Breaking the silence between them.

He smiled. A slight pang has hit him when he recalled his favourite memory with his mom.

"You know when I was a kid my mom would read me stories in my room's balcony while looking at the sky. Particularly the moon..." kissing her cheeks adoringly after noticing her lightening up upon hearing the word moon.

"She's so fond with the moon. She would often say how the moon is always light to the sky. She loved how it balances the darkness...Whenever I made a mistake and my dad would as always get angry with me, she would sing me to sleep by singing fly me to the moon and everything feels better."


"Why is he always hot-headed when it comes to me Mama?" A young Dylan hugging his mom closely as his tears brimmed.

She can't help but feel pity to her son. She felt that he's too young for such discipline and responsibilities her husband has imposed to him. He and his brother would always have to follow strict guidelines from him in order to train them as the future heirs of the company. Dylan, being the younger one and seemed to be more sensitive than his older brother would get affected more. She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Oh my's because your father wants you to grow up correctly.."

"Does he not love me, Mama? I feel he is always angry towards me..." his voice filled with sorrow.

"Love...he just... shows his love differently. He does not want you to be in trouble so that's why he corrects you..remember this is to prepare you and Gege for the future."

"But he always spot my mistakes more, Mama..I can't even play with my classmates after school... I feel that what ever I do, it is never enough for him..I try to follow his rules but can't I play too?"

She was saddened after hearing Dylan's thoughts. It was true. No matter what rules he wants them to follow, her husband seems to forget that they are still kids and terribly smart ones. They do know if their parenting gets out of the line sometimes and they would often voice it out to her, not to their father. If only she could stop him but her husband seemed to have lost his respect on her opinion in the household.

Not knowing how to solve this current situation of their family, she can't help but hug her son again, "you're a good boy right?"

"Yes, mama"

"Good. Now smile, my handsome boy. Your smile gives Mama happiness."

He gave his mom a toothy grin.

Hugging him closer she whispered, "One day my love, you will meet someone who will make you feel you're enough and right. Like how the moon belonged to the sky."


"And to answer your question, yes she will definitely love you, my moon."

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