A city full of people and my favourite is that waitress

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Austin sighs a little more contentedly back at his table. He manages to get Julie off of her phone long enough to have a fairly entertaining conversation with her. Just as quickly though, she is back to pressing buttons on her screen.

He glances toward the counter where he sees Ally, sitting on one of the tall chairs talking to an older boy whilst he makes milkshakes for some other customers.

One part of him feels the jealousy flare, which is utterly ridiculous because he doesn't even know this girl, but his other, more rational half wins. He realises the Milkshake Guy must have been at least twenty, and since he was guessing Ally was sixteen like him, they were probably more like brother and sister.

Discreetly, he watches her laugh in-between his conversation, or help out and make perfect milkshakes for people. It makes him smile when she realises she has to take a new order or deliver one, so she hops off of her seat with a bounce in her step and a bright smile on her face.

When she's sitting at the counter smiling again ―and his conversation with Julie is on pause― he calls her over. "Hey, Ally!"

She turns to look at him, swivelling in her seat. "Sorry, Austin. Your food isn't ready yet."

"It's okay," he says and means it. "I just wanted to talk. How old are you?"

Ally decides it's best not to go over there, considering he's probably on a date. She would assume he's some kind of player, talking to her when his date is sitting right there, but she knows he's not.

She watched them whilst on her rounds, taking into account how hard Austin was trying and how blatantly he was being ignored. It made her sad that such a cute boy like him could be treated like that, so she readily talked to him.

"Sixteen, you?"

"Same," he says, smiling softly. "I like your uniform."

Ally couldn't stop her blush this time. "Thanks," she looks down at her plain uniform, which she had to admit did fit her perfectly. "I like it too."

"Ally!" someone calls from inside the kitchen and Ally's hair flies as she spins her head to look at Milkshake Guy, his head poking around the door.

"That's my cue," Ally says apologetically as she gets up and waves, walking quickly toward the kitchen once again.

Austin turns to Julie, who has seemingly missed the last five minute's events. She's still tap tap tapping away at her phone and it's starting to get on Austin's nerves. He slumps back in his seat and huffs. Julie looks up at him briefly just as he's crossing his arms, but chooses not to comment.

He can't bring himself to feel guilty considering how deliberately he's being ignored.

Ally brings their food over with a grin and then retreats to her seat, smiling gleefully when a milkshake glides gracefully down the counter toward her. She starts sipping (what Austin suspects to be) her banana flavoured drink and Milkshake Guy just shakes his head with a fond smile, his red swishy hair falling over his face in the process.

Austin watches this exchange intently, deciding Milkshake Guy is definitely more of a brotherly figure than a boyfriend.

He turns to his own food. Austin and Julie had ordered a large portion of fries between them, deciding if they were still hungry they could have desert afterwards. Austin dips a fry into his own chocolate milkshake with a content smile and Julie splutters.

"Ew, gross."

Austin rolls his eyes as she eats a fry a minute, still typing away on her phone under the table.

❀ Auslly one shot ❁حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن